ionospheric reflection
Смотреть что такое "ionospheric reflection" в других словарях:
Ionospheric reflection — Ionospheric reflection: Of electromagnetic waves propagating in the ionosphere, a redirection, i.e., bending by a complex process involving reflection and refraction of the waves back toward the Earth. Note: The amount of bending depends on the… … Wikipedia
ionospheric reflection — atspindys nuo jonosferos statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. ionospheric reflection vok. ionosphärische Reflexion, f rus. ионосферное отражение, n pranc. réflexion ionosphérique, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Ionospheric absorption — (or ISAB) is the scientific name for absorption occurring as a result of the interaction between various types of electromagnetic waves and the free electrons in the ionosphere, which can interfere with radio transmissions.DescriptionIonosphere… … Wikipedia
telecommunications media — Introduction equipment and systems metal wire, terrestrial and satellite radio, and optical fibre employed in the transmission of electromagnetic signals. Transmission media and the problem of signal degradation Every… … Universalium
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program — HAARP is often confused with Project HARP, the High Altitude Research Project (a joint project of The Pentagon and the Canadian Department of National Defence).The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an investigation project … Wikipedia
Over-the-horizon radar — US Navy Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar station Over the horizon radar, or OTH (sometimes also beyond the horizon, or BTH), is a design concept for radar systems to allow them to detect targets at very long ranges, typically up to thousands of … Wikipedia
Surface wave — Diving grebe creates surface waves In physics, a surface wave is a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media, usually two fluids with different densities. A surface wave can also be an electromagnetic wave guided … Wikipedia
List of radio propagation topics — This is a list of radio propagation terms. NOTOC A a index A index aa index active prominence active prominence region (APR) active region active surge region (ASR) active dark filament (ADF) AE index Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFGL) arch… … Wikipedia
Radar — For other uses, see Radar (disambiguation). A long range radar antenna, known as ALTAIR, used to detect and track space objects in conjunction with ABM testing at the Ronald Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll … Wikipedia
Frequency of optimum transmission — Frequency of optimum transmission, in the transmission of radio waves via ionospheric reflection, is the highest effective (i.e. working) frequency that is predicted to be usable for a specified path and time for 90% of the days of the month. It… … Wikipedia
List of meteorology topics — This is a list of meteorology topics. The terms relate to meteorology, the interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and forecasting. (see also: List of meteorological phenomena)AlphanumericTOC… … Wikipedia