ion source

ion source
1) источник ионов, ионный источник
2) космонавт. ионизатор (рабочего тела)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "ion source" в других словарях:

  • Ion source — An ion source is an electro magnetic device that is used to create charged particles. These are used primarily within mass spectrometers or particle accelerators.Mass spectrometry In mass spectrometry, an ion source is a piece of equipment used… …   Wikipedia

  • ion source — jonų šaltinis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ion source; ionic source vok. Ionenquelle, f rus. ионный источник, m; источник ионов, m pranc. source d’ions, f; source ionique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • DART ion source — A capsule being analyzed is held in the sample chamber between the DART ion source (right) and the spectrometer inlet (cone on left). DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time) is an atmospheric pressure ion source that instantaneously ionizes gases,… …   Wikipedia

  • RF antenna ion source — An RF antenna ion source (or radio frequency antenna ion source) is an internal multi cusp design that can produce a particle beam of about 30 to 40 mA current. It is used in high energy particle physics and in accelerator laboratories.Previous… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron Beam Ion Source — Eine Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT, Elektronenstrahl Ionenfalle) ist eine spezielle Art von Ionenfalle. Dieser Typ Falle eignet sich insbesondere für die Erzeugung und Speicherung hochgeladener Ionen. In ihr werden niedriggeladene Ionen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Electron beam ion source — An electron beam ion source (EBIS) is a device used in atomic physics to produce highly charged ions by bombarding atoms with a powerful electron beam. Its principle of operation is shared by the Electron beam ion trap. References * Ian G. Brown …   Wikipedia

  • liquid-metal ion source — skystojo metalo jonų šaltinis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. liquid metal ion source vok. Flüssigmetallionenquelle, f rus. жидкометаллический ионный источник, m pranc. source d ions à métal liquide, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Ion implantation — is a materials engineering process by which ions of a material can be implanted into another solid, thereby changing the physical properties of the solid. Ion implantation is used in semiconductor device fabrication and in metal finishing, as… …   Wikipedia

  • Ion beam deposition — (IBD) is a process of applying materials to a target through the application of an ion beam.In an ion source source materials gases or evaporated solids are ionized using electron ionization or by application of high electric fields (Penning ion… …   Wikipedia

  • Ion-beam sculpting — Ion Beam scultping is a term used to describe a two step process to make solid state nanopores. The term itself was coined by Golovchenko and co workers at Harvard in the paper Ion beam sculpting at nanometer length scales [J. Li, D. Stein, C.… …   Wikipedia

  • Ion cyclotron resonance — is a phenomenon related to the movement of ions in a magnetic field. It is used for accelerating ions in a cyclotron, and for measuring the masses of an ionized analyte in mass spectrometry, particularly with Fourier transform ion cyclotron… …   Wikipedia

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