
непосредственно после выращивания (о кристаллах)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "as-received" в других словарях:

  • Received Pronunciation — (RP), also called the Queen s (or King s) English,[1] Oxford English[2] or BBC English, is the accent of Standard English in England, with a relationship to regional accents similar to the relationship in other European languages between their… …   Wikipedia

  • Received Prononciation — Received Pronunciation La prononciation dite Received Pronunciation (RP) est la prononciation des gens cultivés, encore appelée Oxford English, Queen’s English (l’anglais correct) ou BBC English. Cet anglais n’est parlé que par 3 à 5 % de la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Received prononciation — Received Pronunciation La prononciation dite Received Pronunciation (RP) est la prononciation des gens cultivés, encore appelée Oxford English, Queen’s English (l’anglais correct) ou BBC English. Cet anglais n’est parlé que par 3 à 5 % de la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Received pronunciation — La prononciation dite Received Pronunciation (RP) est la prononciation des gens cultivés, encore appelée Oxford English, Queen’s English (l’anglais correct) ou BBC English. Cet anglais n’est parlé que par 3 à 5 % de la population anglaise.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Received Pronunciation — (RP) est la prononciation standard britannique, encore appelée Oxford English, Queen’s English ou BBC English. C est le dialecte de prestige en Angleterre mais il n a pas de prestige particulier dans les autres pays anglophones[1]. Cet anglais… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • received pronunciation —    Received pronunciation is the name given to the Southern pronunciation of English identified early in the twentieth century as the usage of the public schools and the professions and promoted as ‘correct’. It became the norm to which educated… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • received an infusion — received a transfusion, received fluids …   English contemporary dictionary

  • received — received; un·received; …   English syllables

  • Received Standard — Received′ Stand′ard n. ling. a form of educated English spoken orig. in S England and having Received Pronunciation as a chief distinguishing feature • Etymology: 1910–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • received pronunciation — (RP), received standard are names given to the form of speech associated with educated speakers in the southern counties of England and used as a model for teaching English to foreign learners. This system is the basis of the guidance given on… …   Modern English usage

  • received pronunciation (RP) — received pronunciation (RP), received standard are names given to the form of speech associated with educated speakers in the southern counties of England and used as a model for teaching English to foreign learners. This system is the basis of… …   Modern English usage

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