- interpolation process
интерполяционный процесс
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Interpolation (computer programming) — In the context of computer animation, interpolation refers to the use of (usually) piecewise polynomial interpolation to draw images semi automatically. For all applications of this type, a set of key points is defined by the graphic artist.… … Wikipedia
interpolation — index expletive, insertion, intervention (interference) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
interpolation — /in terr peuh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of interpolating or the state of being interpolated. 2. something interpolated, as a passage introduced into a text. 3. Math. a. the process of determining the value of a function between two… … Universalium
interpolation — The mathematical process of obtaining an unknown number that has a value between two known numbers in a series of numbers. For example, if the yields or prices for 2 , 3 , and 5 year Treasury notes are known, a yield or price for 4 year Treasury… … Financial and business terms
Interpolation (manuscripts) — In relation to literature and especially ancient manuscripts, an interpolation is an entry or passage in a text that was not written by the original author. As there are often several generations of copies between an extant copy of an ancient… … Wikipedia
Interpolation — A method of estimating an unknown price or yield of a security. This is achieved by using other related known values that are located in sequence with the unknown value. Interpolation is most often used in situations where a table of values is… … Investment dictionary
interpolation — noun a) An abrupt change in elements, with continuation of the first idea. b) the process of estimating the value of a function at a point from its values at nearby points. Syn: transclusion See Also … Wiktionary
Interpolation — PP This is used in animation to calculate the motion in between two user generated keyframes so that each frame does not need to be animated manually. This speeds up the process and makes the resulting animation smoother … Audio and video glossary
Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula — The Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula or sinc interpolation is a method to reconstruct a continuous time bandlimited signal from a set of equally spaced samples. Contents 1 Definition 2 Validity condition 3 Interpolation as convolution sum … Wikipedia
Semiconductor process simulation — is the modeling of the fabrication of semiconductor devices such as transistors. It is a branch of electronic design automation, and part of a sub field known as technology CAD, or TCAD. 400px|right|thumb|This figure shows a result from… … Wikipedia
Polynomial interpolation — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, polynomial interpolation is the interpolation of a given data set by a polynomial. In other words, given some data points (such as obtained by sampling), the aim is to find a polynomial which… … Wikipedia