interpolation formula

interpolation formula
интерполяционная формула

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "interpolation formula" в других словарях:

  • interpolation formula — interpoliacijos formulė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. interpolation formula vok. Interpolationsformel, f rus. интерполяционная формула, f pranc. formule d’interpolation, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula — The Whittaker–Shannon interpolation formula or sinc interpolation is a method to reconstruct a continuous time bandlimited signal from a set of equally spaced samples. Contents 1 Definition 2 Validity condition 3 Interpolation as convolution sum …   Wikipedia

  • Brahmagupta interpolation formula — In trigonometry, the Brahmagupta interpolation formula is a special case of the Newton Stirling interpolation formula to the second order, which Brahmagupta used in 665 to interpolatenew values of the sine function from other values already… …   Wikipedia

  • Thiele's interpolation formula — In mathematics, Thiele s interpolation formula is an interpolation formula for a function f (•) of a single variable, due to the Danish mathematician Thorvald Nicolai Thiele. It is expressed as a continued fraction, where ρ represents the… …   Wikipedia

  • Interpolation — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, interpolation is a method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points. In engineering and science one often has a number of data points, as obtained… …   Wikipedia

  • Interpolation (music) — In music and musical composition, especially 20th century and later, interpolation is an abrupt change of elements, with (almost immediate) continuation of the first ideaWittlich, Gary E. (ed.) (1975). Aspects of Twentieth century Music , p.48… …   Wikipedia

  • interpolation — /in terr peuh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of interpolating or the state of being interpolated. 2. something interpolated, as a passage introduced into a text. 3. Math. a. the process of determining the value of a function between two… …   Universalium

  • Inverse quadratic interpolation — In numerical analysis, inverse quadratic interpolation is a root finding algorithm, meaning that it is an algorithm for solving equations of the form f ( x ) = 0. The idea is to use quadratic interpolation to approximate the inverse of f . This… …   Wikipedia

  • Bilinear interpolation — In mathematics, bilinear interpolation is an extension of linear interpolation for interpolating functions of two variables on a regular grid. The key idea is to perform linear interpolation first in one direction, and then again in the other… …   Wikipedia

  • formule d’interpolation — interpoliacijos formulė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. interpolation formula vok. Interpolationsformel, f rus. интерполяционная формула, f pranc. formule d’interpolation, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Lagrange's formula — may refer to a number of results named after Joseph Louis Lagrange: *Lagrange s interpolation formula Lagrange polynomial *Lagrange Bürmann formula Lagrange inversion theorem *Vector triple product *Mean value theorem …   Wikipedia

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