- internegative film
киноплёнка для печатания промежуточного негатива (изображения)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Film perforations — Film perforations, also known as perfs, are the holes placed in the film stock during manufacturing and used for transporting (via sprockets and claws) and steadying (via pin registration) the film. Films may have different types of perforations… … Wikipedia
Internegative — An internegative is a motion picture film duplicate. It is the color counterpart to an interpositive, in which a low contrast color image is used as the positive between an original camera negative and a duplicate negative. After a film is shot,… … Wikipedia
internegative — noun A specialized type of negative film stock that is part of the intermediate process that goes from an original negative to a release element (most common in the motion picture film post production process). The material used is itself the… … Wiktionary
Encoches ou crans sur plan-film — Les encoches ou crans sur les plan films permettent d identifier les marques et types d émulsion (sensibilité, coucleur, noir blanc, inversible). Ils permettent aussi de savoir dans quel sens charger les plan films et d empêcher les laborantins… … Wikipédia en Français
Color reversal internegative — Color reversal internegative, or CRI, is motion picture film duplication process designed by Kodak in the 1970s as a workaround for the existing processes of creating film duplicates. Originally intended for the faster pace of the television… … Wikipedia
35 mm film — is the basic film gauge most commonly used for both still photography and motion pictures, and remains relatively unchanged since its introduction in 1892 by William Dickson and Thomas Edison, using film stock supplied by George Eastman. The… … Wikipedia
Zapruder film — The Zapruder film is a silent 8 mm color home movie of the presidential motorcade of John F. Kennedy through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, filmed by a private citizen named Abraham Zapruder. The film is the most complete… … Wikipedia
Reversal film — A single slide, showing a color transparency in a plastic frame A slide projector, showing the l … Wikipedia
List of motion picture film stocks — This is a list of motion picture camera films. Those films known to no longer be available have been marked as (DISCONTINUED) . This article includes color and black and white negative films, reversal camera films, intermediate stocks, and print… … Wikipedia
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope — An original 1977 North American theatrical film poster by Tom Jung[1] Directed by George Lucas … Wikipedia
Notch code — A notch code is a set of notches or recesses cut into the edge of a piece of sheet film to provide a tactile way to identify the film brand, type, and processing chemistry (e.g. black and white, color negative, or color reversal) in the dark. It… … Wikipedia