artificial limb

artificial limb
искусственная конечность; протез конечности

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "artificial limb" в других словарях:

  • Artificial limb — An artificial limb is a type of prosthesis that replaces a missing extremity, such as arms or legs. The type of artificial limb used is determined largely by the extent of an amputation or loss and location of the missing extremity. Artificial… …   Wikipedia

  • Artificial Limb & Appliance Service — The Artificial Limb Appliance Service (ALAS) is an NHS Wales organisation providing support, equipment and rehabilitation to people with permanent or long term impairment. It is commissioned by Health Commission Wales (an executive agency of the… …   Wikipedia

  • artificial limb — A limb of cork, wood, or other composition fitted and attached to the body in place of an amputated arm or leg …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Artificial — is something which is not natural. Its original sense, related to artifact and artifice , refers to a product of human endeavor; a more English but gendered synonym is man made . It is also used to mean false , a substitute for the real thing, as …   Wikipedia

  • limb — [ lım ] noun count ** 1. ) an arm or a leg: She rested her tired, aching limbs. an artificial limb 2. ) a large branch on a tree 3. ) a part of something that sticks out out on a limb in a position where you have no support from other people… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • limb — n. 1) an artificial limb 2) the lower; upper limbs 3) (misc.) out on a limb ( in a precarious position ) * * * [lɪm] upper limbs an artificial limb the lower (misc.) out on a limb ( in a precarious position ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Artificial organ — An artificial organ is a man made device that is implanted into, or integrated onto, a human to replace a natural organ, for the purpose of restoring a specific function or a group of related functions so the patient may return to as normal a… …   Wikipedia

  • limb */*/ — UK [lɪm] / US noun [countable] Word forms limb : singular limb plural limbs 1) an arm, or a leg She rested her tired, aching limbs. an artificial limb 2) a large branch on a tree 3) a part of something that sticks out • tear/rip someone limb from …   English dictionary

  • artificial — adjective Date: 14th century 1. humanly contrived often on a natural model ; man made < an artificial limb > < artificial diamonds > 2. a. having existence in legal, economic, or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • artificial — ar·ti·fi·cial .ärt ə fish əl adj 1) humanly contrived often on a natural model <an artificial limb> 2) based on differential morphological characters not necessarily indicative of natural relationships <an artificial key for… …   Medical dictionary

  • artificial member — An artificial limb …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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