- international candle
международная свеча
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
international candle — n. CANDLE (n. 3b) … English World dictionary
international candle — tarptautinė žvakė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. international candle vok. internationale Kerze, f rus. международная свеча, f pranc. bougie internationale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
international candle — Optics. candle (def. 3b). * * * … Universalium
international candle — noun see candle … English new terms dictionary
international candle — /ɪntəˌnæʃnəl ˈkændl/ (say intuh.nashnuhl kandl) noun Obsolete See candle (def. 3) …
international candle — former international unit for measuring the intensity of light, candela (Optics) … English contemporary dictionary
international candle — noun a former international unit of luminous intensity; now replaced by the candela • Hypernyms: ↑luminous intensity unit, ↑candlepower unit … Useful english dictionary
candle — or candela or new candle or international candle [kan′dəl] n. [ME & OE candel < L candela, a light, torch < candere: see CANDESCENT] 1. a cylindrical mass of tallow or wax with a wick through its center, which gives light when burned 2.… … English World dictionary
candle power — candle power, or can|dle|pow|er «KAN duhl POW uhr», noun. 1. the intensity of light, measured in candelas. One candle power is equal to 12.57 lumens. A light having 30 candle power gives approximately 30 times as much light as one candela does. 2 … Useful english dictionary
candle meter — candle meter, a unit of illumination equivalent to the amount of light from one international candle at a distance of one meter; meter candle; lux … Useful english dictionary
candle — candler, n. /kan dl/, n., v., candled, candling. n. 1. a long, usually slender piece of tallow or wax with an embedded wick that is burned to give light. 2. something resembling a candle in appearance or use. 3. Optics. a. (formerly) candela. b.… … Universalium