- intermolecular cross-linking
межмолекулярное сшивание
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Collagen, type IX, alpha 1 — PDB rendering based on 2uur … Wikipedia
COL9A1 — Collagen, type IX, alpha 1, also known as COL9A1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: COL9A1 collagen, type IX, alpha 1| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=1297| accessdate = ] PBB… … Wikipedia
elastomer — elastomeric /i las teuh mer ik/, adj. /i las teuh meuhr/, n. Chem. an elastic substance occurring naturally, as natural rubber, or produced synthetically, as butyl rubber or neoprene. [1935 40; ELAST(IC) + O + Gk méros a part] * * * ▪ chemical… … Universalium
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
industrial polymers, chemistry of — Introduction structure and composition of chemical compounds made up of long, chainlike molecules (molecule). What distinguishes polymers from other types of compounds is the extremely large size of the molecules. The size of a… … Universalium
Dynamic mechanical analysis — Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer Acronym DMA Classification Thermal analysis Manufacturers Bose Electroforce Group, Mettler Toledo, Netzsch Instruments, PerkinElmer, TA Instruments, Triton Technology Ltd, Gabo Other techniques Related Isothermal… … Wikipedia
adhesive — adhesively, adv. adhesiveness, n. /ad hee siv, ziv/, adj. 1. coated with glue, paste, mastic, or other sticky substance: adhesive bandages. 2. sticking fast; sticky; clinging. 3. Physics. of or pertaining to the molecular force that exists in the … Universalium
Polymer — Appearance of real linear polymer chains as recorded using an atomic force microscope on surface under liquid medium. Chain contour length for this polymer is 204 nm; thickness is 0.4 nm.[1] A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule … Wikipedia
materials science — the study of the characteristics and uses of various materials, as glass, plastics, and metals. [1960 65] * * * Study of the properties of solid materials and how those properties are determined by the material s composition and structure, both… … Universalium
Collagen — Tropocollagen triple helix Collagen /ˈkɒlədʒɨn/ is a group of naturally occurring proteins found in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissues of mammals.[1] It is the main component of connectiv … Wikipedia
Plastic — is the general common term for a wide range of synthetic or semisynthetic organic solid materials suitable for the manufacture of industrial products. Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular weight, and may contain other substances to… … Wikipedia