intermittent discharge

intermittent discharge
1) периодический сброс (отходов)
2) эл. прерывистый разряд

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "intermittent discharge" в других словарях:

  • intermittent stream —    , intermittent river    1. A stream or river which flows only in direct response to precipitation or to intermittent discharge of a spring; not confined to karst areas, but not uncommon in them [20].    2. A stream or river that flows at… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • intermittent stream —    A stream, or reach of a stream, that does not flow year round (commonly dry for 3 or more months out of 12) and whose channel is generally below the local water table; it flows only when it receives     a) base flow (i.e., solely during wet… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Low self-discharge NiMH battery — The low self discharge NiMH battery (LSD NiMH) was introduced in November 2005 [ [ eng/0511/1101 2e.html SANYO Presents ‘eneloop’ : A New Battery in place of Dry Cell Battery for the 21st Century ] ] [… …   Wikipedia

  • spring, intermittent —    1. A karst spring with a pulsating flow, caused by the presence within the rock of cavities and siphons fed by a subterranean watercourse. When the cavity is full, the siphon is complete and causes a pulse of water to issue from the spring.… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Alkaline battery — Alkaline batteries are a type of disposable battery dependent upon the reaction between zinc and manganese (IV) oxide (Zn/MnO2).Compared with zinc carbon batteries of the Leclanché or zinc chloride types, while all produce approximately 1.5 volts …   Wikipedia

  • hydrosalpinx — Accumulation of serous fluid in the fallopian tube, often an end result of pyosalpinx. SYN: hydrops tubae. [hydro + G. salpinx, trumpet] intermittent h. intermittent discharge of watery fluid from the oviduct. SYN: hydrops tubae profluens. * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • Geyser — For other uses, see Geyser (disambiguation). Strokkur geyser, Iceland …   Wikipedia

  • Spark ionization — (also known as spark source ionization()) is a method used to produce gas phase ions from a solid sample. The prepared solid sample is vaporized and partially ionized by an intermittent discharge or spark. [… …   Wikipedia

  • apical abscess chronic — an apical abscess of a tooth characterized by an intermittent discharge of pus through a sinus tract, with gradual onset, little or no swelling of the affected tissue, and only slight discomfort …   Medical dictionary

  • hydrorrhea gravidarum — a periodic or intermittent discharge of clear, yellowish, or bloody fluid from the uterus, caused by escape of amniotic fluid or resulting from decidual metritis …   Medical dictionary

  • периодический сброс отходов — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN intermittent discharge …   Справочник технического переводчика

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