intermediate car

intermediate car
прицепной вагон; промежуточный вагон

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "intermediate car" в других словарях:

  • intermediate car — A designation no longer used because even full size cars are now about the size of what was the compact car. In 1970, for instance, a Chevrolet Impala was a full size car, a Chevelle was an intermediate, a Nova was a compact. When cars smaller… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • car — A wheeled vehicle such as an automobile, a section of a train, or a streetcar. The word is an abbreviation of carriage a device to carry people or goods. Also see 49 state car bubble car champ car city car classic car collector car compact car… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • intermediate — [1] between two things or two extremes [2] See intermediate car …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Intermediate good — Intermediate goods or producer goods are goods used as inputs in the production of other goods, such as partly finished goods or raw materials. A firm may make then use intermediate goods, or make then sell, or buy then use them. In the… …   Wikipedia

  • car|ban|i|on — «kahr BAN Y uhn, on», noun. an organic anion such as (NO2)3C―, occurring as an intermediate in many reactions. ╂[< carb + anion] …   Useful english dictionary

  • car|bene — «KAHR been», noun. an organic radical containing divalent carbon, such as CH2 (methylene), occurring as an intermediate in certain reactions …   Useful english dictionary

  • car|bon|i|um ion — «kahr BOH nee uhm», an organic cation, such as (C6H5)3 C+, occurring as an intermediate in many reactions. ╂[< carb + (amm) onium] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Intermediate phalanges — are bones found in the limbs of most vertebrates. In humans, they are the bones of the finger and toe which lie in the middle, between the two wrinkly joints. The thumb and big toe do not have intermediate phalanges. In most other vertebrates,… …   Wikipedia

  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty — Traité sur les forces nucléaires à portée intermédiaire Le président américain Ronald Reagan et le secrétaire du Parti communiste Mikhail Gorbachev signent l INF le 8 décembre 1987 à la Maison Blanche. Le Traité sur les forces nucléaires à portée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Intermediate-range ballistic missile — Missile balistique Tir d un missile Titan II depuis son silo; cet engin fut opérationnel à partir de 1962. Un missile balistique est un missile dont une partie de la trajectoire est balistique, c est à dire influencée uniquement par la gravité et …   Wikipédia en Français

  • intermediate carrier — One of three or more connecting carriers, who is neither the initial nor the terminal carrier. 14 Am J2d Car § 662 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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