interlock machine

interlock machine
интерлок(-машина) (двухфонтурная кругловязальная машина)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "interlock machine" в других словарях:

  • Interlock (engineering) — Interlocking is a method of preventing undesired states in a state machine, which in a general sense can include any electrical, electronic, or mechanical device or system.In most applications an interlock is a device used to help prevent a… …   Wikipedia

  • interlock — I. Date: 1632 intransitive verb to become locked together or interconnected transitive verb 1. to lock together ; unite 2. to connect so that the motion or operation of any part is constrained by another II. noun Date: 1874 1 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • interlock — interlocker, n. v. /in teuhr lok , in teuhr lok /; n. /in teuhr lok /, v.i. 1. to fit into each other, as parts of machinery, so that all action is synchronized. 2. to interweave or interlace, one with another: The branches of the trees interlock …   Universalium

  • interlock — 1. noun A safety device that prevents activation in unsafe conditions. The demonstrator couldnt figure out why the machine wouldnt work, until he remembered that there was an interlock so it wouldnt operate with the cover open. 2. verb a) To fit… …   Wiktionary

  • Interlock — En couture, interlock désigne un tissu extensible tricoté en alternant des jeux d aiguilles sur une machine à tricoter circulaire. Portail du travail et des métiers …   Wikipédia en Français

  • interlock — in•ter•lock v. [[t]ˌɪn tərˈlɒk[/t]] n. [[t]ˈɪn tərˌlɒk[/t]] v. i. 1) to fit into each other, as parts of machinery, so that all action is synchronized 2) to interweave, interlace, or interrelate, one with another: The branches of the trees… …   From formal English to slang

  • interlock — verb (i) /ɪntəˈlɒk / (say intuh lok) 1. to engage with each other: interlocking branches. 2. to fit into each other, as parts of machinery, so that all action is simultaneous. 3. (of railway points, signals, etc.) to arrange and operate in an… …  

  • Interlock Projector — F/A/V A projector used to reproduce the picture while synchronized sound is played back on an accompanying machine or other linked sound device. (Film Editing) …   Audio and video glossary

  • Voting machine — Election technology Certification of voting machines Independent Testing Authority (ITA) NVLAP VVSG End to end auditable voting systems Help America Vote Act Independent verific …   Wikipedia

  • Stamp vending machine — A stamp vending machine (SVM) is a mechanical, electrical or electro mechanical device which can be used to automatically vend postage stamps to users in exchange for a pre determined amount of money, normally in coin. Most SVMs were positioned… …   Wikipedia

  • Bowflex Machine — The Bowflex Machine is an exercise machine used for strength training marketed and sold under the Bowflex brand by Nautilus, Inc.. It is primarily sold through the use of infomercials.Design and HistoryThe Bowflex grew out of a now expired patent …   Wikipedia

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