interleaf insert
Смотреть что такое "interleaf insert" в других словарях:
SoftQuad Software — is best known for its HoTMetaL HTML editing software. HoTMetaL was one of a series of applications created by SoftQuad for editing, viewing and publishing structured (SGML and XML) content. HoTMetaL was based upon a popular SGML Editor called… … Wikipedia
Ed (text editor) — ed is the standard text editor on the Unix operating system. ed was originally written by Ken Thompson and contains one of the first implementations of regular expressions. Prior to that implementation, the concept of regular expressions was only … Wikipedia
interleave — [c]/ɪntəˈliv/ (say intuh leev) verb (interleaved, interleaving) –verb (t) 1. to provide blank leaves in (a book) for notes or written comments. 2. to insert blank leaves between (the regular printed leaves), as to protect the illustrations, etc.… …
Daxcad — CADD and CAD redirect here. For other uses, see CADD (disambiguation) and CAD (disambiguation). DAXCAD (CAD) DaxCAD is a 2D Computer Aided Drawing software application written in the early 1980s by Practical Technology Ltd. Contents 1… … Wikipedia