- interface card
интерфейсная плата
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
interface card — adapteris statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Aparatinės sąsajos įtaisas siejamų įtaisų signalų parametrams suderinti. Dažniausiai naudojamas išoriniams įtaisams, pavyzdžiui, kompaktinių diskų įtaisui, ↑monitoriui, ↑vairasvirtei prijungti… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Interface Card — VP A circuit board inserted in a computer so that it can interface with a videotape or disc player … Audio and video glossary
Network Interface Card — 100 MBit/s PCI Ethernet Netzwerkkarte mit RJ45 Buchse Eine Netzwerkkarte (auch NIC für engl. Network Interface Card) ist eine elektronische Schaltung zur Verbindung eines Computers mit einem lokalen Netzwerk zum Austausch von Daten. Ihre primäre… … Deutsch Wikipedia
WAN Interface Card — A WAN interface card is a specialised network interface card (NIC) that allows a network device such as a router to connect and transmit data over a Wide Area Network. A WIC has a built in channel service data unit (CSU/DSU) interface to connect… … Wikipedia
Network Monitoring Interface Card — A network monitoring interface card or NMIC is similar to a network card (NIC). However, unlike a standard network card, an NMIC is designed to passively (and silently) listen on a network. At a functional level, an NMIC may differ from a NIC, in … Wikipedia
network interface card — Abbreviated NIC. In networking, the PC expansion board that plugs into a personal computer or server and works with the network operating system and the appropriate device drivers to control the flow of information over the network. The… … Dictionary of networking
Voice interface card — A voice interface card or VIC is a hardware interface that simulates a FXS on a router or network switch. This device port is used to interface telephone voice or other audio based FXO devices.Typically, a VIC contains one or more RJ 11 ports,… … Wikipedia
network interface card — tinklo plokštė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Plokštė, kurioje sumontuotos kompiuterio arba kito įtaiso sąsajos su ↑tinklu schemos. Dar vadinama tinklo korta arba tinklo adapteriu. atitikmenys: angl. network adapter; network adapter… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Network Interface Card — Network Interface Card, Netzwerkkarte … Universal-Lexikon
Card server — is software which acts as a key host for card clients. Card server usually has one or moresmartcard readers and ethernet interface. Card server emulates CAM for accessing smartcard and offers virtual common interface to the clients.Operation… … Wikipedia
Wireless network interface card — A wireless network interface controller (WNIC) is a network card which connects to a radio based computer network, unlike a regular network interface controller (NIC) which connects to a wire based network such as token ring or ethernet. A WNIC,… … Wikipedia