interchange traffic

interchange traffic
обменные перевозки (между двумя дорогами)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "interchange traffic" в других словарях:

  • Interchange — In ter*change , n. [Cf. OF. entrechange.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of mutually changing; the act of mutually giving and receiving; exchange; as, the interchange of civilities between two persons. Interchange of kindnesses. South. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Interchange Plus — is the common name for a pricing structure for accepting credit card transactions by merchants.The Interchange fee is an important factor in determining the actual cost of accepting creditcards. In Europe, the most common commercial contract… …   Wikipedia

  • Traffic — Traf fic, n. [Cf. F. trafic, It. traffico, Sp. tr[ a]fico, tr[ a]fago, Pg. tr[ a]fego, LL. traficum, trafica. See {Traffic}, v.] 1. Commerce, either by barter or by buying and selling; interchange of goods and commodities; trade. [1913 Webster] A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Traffic return — Traffic Traf fic, n. [Cf. F. trafic, It. traffico, Sp. tr[ a]fico, tr[ a]fago, Pg. tr[ a]fego, LL. traficum, trafica. See {Traffic}, v.] 1. Commerce, either by barter or by buying and selling; interchange of goods and commodities; trade. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Traffic taker — Traffic Traf fic, n. [Cf. F. trafic, It. traffico, Sp. tr[ a]fico, tr[ a]fago, Pg. tr[ a]fego, LL. traficum, trafica. See {Traffic}, v.] 1. Commerce, either by barter or by buying and selling; interchange of goods and commodities; trade. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interchange — [in΄tər chānj′; ] for n. [ in′tər chānj΄] vt. interchanged, interchanging [ME entrechangen < OFr entrechangier: see INTER & CHANGE] 1. to give and take mutually; exchange [to interchange ideas] 2. to put (each of two things) in the other s… …   English World dictionary

  • traffic — [n1] coming and going cartage, flux, freight, gridlock, influx, jam, movement, parking lot*, passage, passengers, rush hour, service, shipment, transfer, transit, transport, transportation, travel, truckage, vehicles; concepts 224,505,770 traffic …   New thesaurus

  • interchange — ► VERB 1) exchange (things) with each other. 2) put each of (two things) in the other s place. ► NOUN 1) the action of interchanging. 2) an exchange of words. 3) a road junction on several levels so that traffic streams do not intersect …   English terms dictionary

  • Interchange (road) — A high capacity interchange: the Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange in Los Angeles, California, United States …   Wikipedia

  • Traffic sign — Most countries post signage, known as traffic signs or road signs, at the side of roads to impart information to road users. Since language differences can create barriers to understanding, international signs using symbols in place of words have …   Wikipedia

  • interchange — interchanger, n. v. /in teuhr chaynj /; n. /in teuhr chaynj /, v., interchanged, interchanging, n. v.t. 1. to put each in the place of the other: to interchange pieces of modular furniture. 2. to cause (one thing) to change places with another;… …   Universalium

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