interactive control

interactive control
управление в диалоговом режиме

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "interactive control" в других словарях:

  • interactive control — dialoginis valdymas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. conversational guidance; interactive control vok. Dialogsteuerung, f rus. управление в диалоговом режиме, n pranc. commande interactive, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Executive-Process/Interactive Control — (EPIC) ist eine kognitive Architektur zur computergestützten Modellierung der menschlichen Informationsverarbeitung. Weitere bekannte kognitive Architekturen sind SOAR und Adaptive Control of Thought. Weblinks… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Interactive television — (generally known as iTV) describes a number of techniques that allow viewers to interact with television content as they view it. Definitions of Interactive TelevisionInteractive television represents a continuum from low interactivity (TV on/off …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive whiteboard — at CeBIT 2007 …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive advertising — uses online or offline interactive media to communicate with consumers and to promote products, brands, services, and public service announcements, corporate or political groups.In the inaugural issue of the Journal of Interactive Advertising,… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive visualization — is a branch of graphic visualization in computer science that involves studying how humans interact with computers to create graphic illustrations of information and how this process can be made more efficient. For a visualization to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive fiction — Interactive fiction, often abbreviated IF, describes software simulating environments in which players use text commands to control characters and influence the environment. Works in this form can be understood as literary narratives and as… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive media — refers to media that allows for active participation by the recipient, hence interactivity. Traditional information theory would describe interactive media as those media that establish two way communication. In media theory, interactive media… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive — ist eine ehemalige deutsche Dancefloor Band und war maßgeblich am Aufschwung des Techno Anfang der 1990er beteiligt. Die Band bestand aus vier wesentlichen Mitgliedern, die jedoch alle ebenfalls zeitgleich auch andere Projekte verfolgten. Zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Interactive cinema — tries to give the audience an active role in the showing of movies. The movie Kinoautomat by Czechoslovakian director Raduz Cincera presented in the Czech Pavilion in Expo 67 in Montreal is considered to be the first cinema like interactive movie …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive Democracy — (ID) advocates the use of information technology to develop current democratic systems of government in order to give the electorate greater involvement. It is in part a development of the ePetition systems that are operating at various levels of …   Wikipedia

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