- interaction time
1) время взаимодействия2) вчт. время диалога
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
interaction time — sąveikos trukmė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. interaction time vok. Wechselwirkungszeit, f rus. время взаимодействия, n pranc. temps d’interaction, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Interaction design — (IxD) is the discipline of defining the behavior of products and systems that a user can interact with. The practice typically centers around complex technology systems such as software, mobile devices, and other electronic devices. However, it… … Wikipedia
Time use research — is a developing interdisciplinary field of study dedicated to knowing how people allocate their time during an average day. TOC The comprehensive approach to time use research addresses a wide array of political, economic, social, and cultural… … Wikipedia
Time of Judgment — is a series of roleplaying game scenario books for the World of Darkness settings of White Wolf Game Studio. These scenarios are presented as the semi canonical endings of the original World of Darkness, as preparation for the new version of the… … Wikipedia
Time-dependent density functional theory — (TDDFT) is a quantum mechanical method used inphysics and chemistry to investigate the proprieties of many body systems beyond the ground statestructure. It s an extension of density functional theory (DFT) to the time dependent domain asa method … Wikipedia
Time-bin encoding — is a technique used in Quantum information science to encode a qubit of information on a photon. Quantum information science makes use of qubits as a basic resource similar to bits in classical computing. Qubits are any two level quantum… … Wikipedia
Interaction picture — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Interaction variable — In statistics, an interaction variable is a variable often used in regression analysis. It is formed by the multiplication of two independent variables. Example There is a group of participants. Their postural control is being analysed and scored … Wikipedia
Interaction information — The interaction information (McGill 1954) or co information (Bell 2003) is one of several generalizations of the mutual information, and expresses the amount information (redundancy or synergy) bound up in a set of variables, beyond that which is … Wikipedia
Interaction (statistics) — In statistics, an interaction is a term in a statistical model added when the effect of two or more variables is not simply additive. Such a term reflects that the effect of one variable depends on the values of one or more other variables. Thus … Wikipedia
Time Sharing Option — In computing, the Time Sharing Option (TSO) is an interactive time sharing environment for the lineage of IBM mainframe operating systems running from OS/MVT through MVS and OS/390 to the current z/OS. It fills the same purpose as the login… … Wikipedia