- interaction length
длина взаимодействия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
interaction length — sąveikos nuotolis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. interaction length vok. Wechselwirkungslänge, f rus. длина взаимодействия, f pranc. longueur d interaction, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Nuclear interaction length — is the mean path length required to reduce the numbers of relativistic charged particles by the factor 1/e, or 0.368, as they pass through matter. Comprehensive tables for radiation lengths and other properties of materials are available from the … Wikipedia
Interaction variable — In statistics, an interaction variable is a variable often used in regression analysis. It is formed by the multiplication of two independent variables. Example There is a group of participants. Their postural control is being analysed and scored … Wikipedia
Radiation length — In physics, the radiation length is a characteristic of a material, related to the energy loss of high energy, electromagnetic interacting particles with it.DefinitionHigh energy electrons predominantly lose energy in matterby bremsstrahlung, and … Wikipedia
Nuclear collision length — is the mean free path of a particle before undergoing a nuclear reaction, for a given particle in a given medium. The collision length is smaller than the nuclear interaction length because the elastic and quasi elastic (diffractive) reactions… … Wikipedia
longueur d'interaction — sąveikos nuotolis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. interaction length vok. Wechselwirkungslänge, f rus. длина взаимодействия, f pranc. longueur d interaction, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
KLM (human-computer interaction) — KLM (or KLM GOMS) stands for Keystroke Level Model, a hard science approach to human–computer interaction (HCI), based on CMN GOMS, developed by Card, Moran Newell, and spelled out in their book The Psychology of Human Computer Interaction , 1983 … Wikipedia
Bjerrum length — The Bjerrum length is the separation at which the electrostatic interaction between two elementary charges is comparable in magnitude to the thermal energy scale,k B T, where k B is the Boltzmann constant and T is theabsolute temperature in… … Wikipedia
Kinetic chain length — In polymer chemistry the kinetic chain length of a polymer, ν , is the average number of monomers added to each polymerizing radical during polymerization. During this process, a polymer chain is formed when units called monomers are bonded… … Wikipedia
Electrical length — In telecommunications, the electrical length is any of: #A transmission medium, its length expressed as a multiple or submultiple of the wavelength of a periodic electromagnetic or electrical signal propagating within the medium. The wavelength… … Wikipedia
Laser absorption spectrometry — (LAS) refers to techniques that utilize lasers to assess the concentration or amount of a species in gas phase by absorption spectrometry (AS).It is well known that optical spectroscopic techniques in general and laser based techniques in… … Wikipedia