- intention tremor
интенционный тремор, дрожание (органа) при произвольных движениях
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Intention tremor — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G25.2 ICD 9 333.1 … Wikipedia
intention tremor — n a slow tremor of the extremities that increases on attempted voluntary movement and is observed in certain diseases (as multiple sclerosis) of the nervous system * * * see tremor * * * action t … Medical dictionary
intention tremor — see tremor … The new mediacal dictionary
intention tremor — noun : a slow tremor of the extremities that increases on attempted voluntary movement and is observed in certain diseases (as multiple sclerosis) of the nervous system … Useful english dictionary
intention tremor — noun a trembling of a body part when attempting a precise movement … English new terms dictionary
Tremor — For other uses, see Tremor (disambiguation). Tremor ICD 10 R25.1 ICD 9 781.0 DiseasesDB … Wikipedia
Tremor — A tremor is an abnormal repetitive shaking movement of the body. Tremors have many causes and can be inherited, related to illnesses * * * 1. Repetitive, often regular, oscillatory movements caused by alternate, or synchronous, but irregular… … Medical dictionary
tremor — n. a rhythmical and alternating movement that may affect any part of the body. The physiological tremor is a feature of the normal mechanism for maintaining posture. It may be more apparent in states of fatigue or anxiety or when the thyroid… … The new mediacal dictionary
intention — n. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or of + verbal noun) a thing intended; an aim or purpose (it was not his intention to interfere; have no intention of staying). 2 the act of intending (done without intention). 3 colloq. (usu. in pl.) a person s … Useful english dictionary
Дрожание Интенционное (Intention Tremor) — см. Тремор. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
Tremor — Als Tremor (lat. tremere „zittern“) wird das unwillkürliche, sich rhythmisch wiederholende Zusammenziehen einander entgegenwirkender Muskelgruppen bezeichnet. Der sogenannte physiologische Tremor von Gesunden ist messbar, allerdings kaum sichtbar … Deutsch Wikipedia