- intake channel
1) водоприёмник (напр. ГЭС)2) подводящее русло3) подводящий канал4) воздухоподводящий короб (зерносушилки)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Channel wing — aircraft CCW 5 The channel wing is an aircraft wing principle developed by Willard Ray Custer in the 1920s. The most important part of the wing consists of a half tube with an engine placed in the middle, driving a propeller placed at the rear… … Wikipedia
intake — [in′tāk΄] n. 1. the act or process of taking in 2. the amount or thing taken in 3. the place at which a fluid is taken into a pipe, channel, etc. [a sewer intake] 4. a narrowing; an abrupt lessening in breadth 5. Mech. the amount of energy taken… … English World dictionary
Channel, California — Channel is a former settlement in Butte County, California, United States. It was located 3.5 miles (5.6 km) north of Magalia.[1] A post office operated at Channel from 1886 to 1890.[1] References ^ a b Durham, David L. (1998) … Wikipedia
intake — (n.) c.1800, place where water is taken into a channel or pipe, from IN (Cf. in) + TAKE (Cf. take). Meaning act of taking in (food, breath, etc.) is first attested 1808 … Etymology dictionary
intake — /in tayk /, n. 1. the place or opening at which a fluid is taken into a channel, pipe, etc. 2. an act or instance of taking in: an intake of oxygen. 3. something that is taken in. 4. a quantity taken in: an intake of 50 gallons a minute. 5. a… … Universalium
intake — /ˈɪnteɪk / (say intayk) noun 1. the point at which a fluid is taken into a channel, pipe, etc. 2. the act of taking in. 3. that which is taken in. 4. the quantity taken in: the intake of oxygen. 5. a narrowing or contraction. 6. a number of… …
intake — in•take [[t]ˈɪnˌteɪk[/t]] n. 1) the place or opening at which a fluid is taken into a channel, pipe, etc 2) an act or instance of taking in 3) a thing or a quantity taken in 4) a narrowing; contraction • Etymology: 1515–25 … From formal English to slang
intake — n. 1 a the action of taking in. b an instance of this. 2 a number or the amount taken in or received. 3 a place where water is taken into a channel or pipe from a river, or fuel or air enters an engine etc. 4 an airway into a mine. 5 N.Engl. land … Useful english dictionary
Strahlungsbelastung durch die Nuklearunfälle von Fukushima — Strahlungsmesswerte aus der Präfektur Fukushima vom 11. März bis zum 18. April 2011 Die Strahlungsbelastung durch die Nuklearunfälle von Fukushima ist ein wesentlicher Teil der Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima. Ab dem 12. März 2011 kam… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chronik der Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima — Die Chronik der Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima schildert den Ablauf der Ereignisse im Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi (Fukushima I) ab dem 11. März 2011 und deren Folgen im Zeitverlauf. Alle Uhrzeiten sind in japanischer Ortszeit angegeben … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima — Satellitenfoto der Reaktorblöcke 1 bis 4 (von rechts nach links) am 16. März 2011 nach mehreren Explosionen und Bränden. Als Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima werden eine Reihe von katastrophalen Unfällen und schweren Störfällen im… … Deutsch Wikipedia