
1) поступление; приток
2) впуск; ввод; подвод || впускать; вводить; подводить
3) забор; всасывание; приём || всасывать; принимать
4) входное (впускное) отверстие
5) впускное устройство
6) заборное устройство; всасывающее устройство; приёмное устройство
7) всасываемая жидкость; всасываемый газ
8) потребляемая мощность
9) горн. основная выработка для подачи воздуха, вентиляционная выработка
10) метал. литник
11) метал. скорость наполнения отстойника
12) водозаборное сооружение, водозабор; водоприёмник
13) потребление (напр. кислорода организмом)
air intake
annular air intake
bifurcated air intake
bow intake
chimney intake
conduit intake
controlled-starting intake
cooling air intake
dry-tower intake
external-compression intake
fixed-geometry air intake
fixed-lip air intake
free water intake
fresh-air intake
gas intake
gravity intake
high-pressure intake
intake of knowledge
integral intake
lateral-water intake
log-chute intake
low-level intake
low-pressure intake
mixed-compression air intake
multiple shock air intake
nose air intake
outside-air intake
power intake
pumping-plant intake
river intake
screen intake
siphon intake
stream intake
subsonic intake
supersonic intake
tower intake
traction motor air intake
trash-racked intake
tunnel intake
two-dimensional air intake
two-shock air intake
undersurface water intake
variable-geometry intake
variable-lip air intake
water intake
wet-tower intake

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "intake" в других словарях:

  • Intake — In take , n. 1. The place where water, air, or other substance is taken into a pipe, conduit, or machine; opposed to {outlet}. [1913 Webster] 2. the beginning of a contraction or narrowing in a tube or cylinder. [1913 Webster] 3. The quantity… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • intake — [in′tāk΄] n. 1. the act or process of taking in 2. the amount or thing taken in 3. the place at which a fluid is taken into a pipe, channel, etc. [a sewer intake] 4. a narrowing; an abrupt lessening in breadth 5. Mech. the amount of energy taken… …   English World dictionary

  • intake — index receipt (act of receiving), revenue Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • intake — (n.) c.1800, place where water is taken into a channel or pipe, from IN (Cf. in) + TAKE (Cf. take). Meaning act of taking in (food, breath, etc.) is first attested 1808 …   Etymology dictionary

  • intakė — sf. Rtr žr. antukys …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • intake — ► NOUN 1) an amount or quantity taken in. 2) an act of taking in. 3) a location or structure through which something is taken in …   English terms dictionary

  • Intake — An intake , or especially for aircraft inlet, is an air intake for an engine. Because the modern internal combustion engine is in essence a powerful air pump, like the exhaust system on an engine, the intake must be carefully engineered and tuned …   Wikipedia

  • intake — 01. I had to cut down on my coffee [intake] because I was having trouble sleeping at night. 02. You simply have to reduce your [intake] of fat if you don t want to have another heart attack. 03. An excessive [intake] of alcohol can cause a… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • intake — noun 1 amount of food/drink taken into the body ADJECTIVE ▪ high ▪ moderate ▪ low ▪ increased ▪ total ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • intake — in|take [ˈınteık] n 1.) [singular, U] the amount of food, drink etc that you take into your body intake of ▪ Try to reduce your intake of fat. a high/low intake ▪ a high intake of carbohydrates food/alcohol/calorie etc intake ▪ Sickness may… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • intake — See air intake cold air intake heated intake intake manifold intake port intake stroke intake tract intake stroke intake valve ram intake manifold …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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