insulating [insulation] blanket

insulating [insulation] blanket
изоляционный слой

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "insulating [insulation] blanket" в других словарях:

  • Insulation —   Materials that prevent or slow down the movement of heat.   ***   Any material or substance that provides a high resistance to the flow of heat from one surface to another. The different types include blanket or batt, foam, or loose fill, which …   Energy terms

  • Installing building insulation — Due to the variety of building insulation materials available and the various building elements that may require insulation, there are a number of ways of installing building insulation.Where to insulateWhere to insulate depends on where your… …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-layer insulation — Closeup of Multi layer insulation from a satellite. The metal coated plastic layers and the scrim separator are visible. Multi layer insulation, or MLI, is thermal insulation composed of multiple layers of thin sheets often used on spacecraft. It …   Wikipedia

  • Space blanket — A space blanket A space blanket (also known as a Mylar blanket, first aid blanket, emergency blanket, thermal blanket or weather blanket) is a blanket used in emergencies to reduce heat loss in a person s body caused by thermal radiation, water… …   Wikipedia

  • Wetsuit — This article is about the use of wetsuits in a range of water sports. For protective clothing specialized for scuba diving, see Diving suit. For the G.I. Joe character, see Wet Suit (G.I. Joe). Spring suit (shorty) and steamer (full suit) …   Wikipedia

  • wood — wood1 woodless, adj. /wood/, n. 1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem. 2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other… …   Universalium

  • Wood — /wood/, n. 1. Grant, 1892 1942, U.S. painter. 2. Leonard, 1860 1927, U.S. military doctor and political administrator. * * * I Hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary xylem produced by the vascular cambium. It is the… …   Universalium

  • Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… …   Wikipedia

  • Sleeping bag — For other uses, see Sleeping bag (disambiguation). A mummy bag A sleeping bag is a protective bag for a person to sleep in, essentially a blanket that can be closed with a zipper or similar means, and functions as a bed in situations where a bed… …   Wikipedia

  • Cool roof — In the world of industrial and commercial buildings, a cool roof is a roofing system that can deliver high solar reflectance (the ability to reflect the visible, infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths of the sun, reducing heat transfer to the… …   Wikipedia

  • industrial glass — Introduction       solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… …   Universalium

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