arrival rate

arrival rate
вчт. интенсивность входного потока

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "arrival rate" в других словарях:

  • arrival aircraft interval — An internally generated program in hundredths of minutes based upon the aircraft arrival rate (AAR). AAI is the desired optimum interval between successive arrival aircraft over the vertex …   Aviation dictionary

  • Arrival — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Arrival Álbum de ABBA Publicación 17 de …   Wikipedia Español

  • airport arrival rate — A dynamic input specifying the number of aircraft an airport or airspace can accept from ARTCC (air route traffic control) center per hour. The AAR is used to calculate the desired interval between successive arriving aircraft …   Aviation dictionary

  • Arrival theorem — In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, the arrival theorem[1] (also referred to as the random observer property, ROP or job observer property[2]) states the state of a system immediately before an arrival… …   Wikipedia

  • Markovian arrival processes — In queueing theory, Markovian arrival processes are used to model the arrival of customers to a queue. Some of the most common include the Poisson process, Markov arrival process and the batch Markov arrival process. Contents 1 Background 2… …   Wikipedia

  • Generic cell rate algorithm — The generic cell rate algorithm (or GCRA) is an algorithm which measures cell rate at a specified timescale [#REF| [1] . The GCRA is an implementation of the leaky bucket algorithm in ATM networks, and provides a traffic shaping function [#REF|… …   Wikipedia

  • average arrival interval — The average number of minutes of longitudinal spacing required between arriving aircraft landing at an airport, based on the acceptance rate of the runway(s) …   Aviation dictionary

  • Queueing model — In queueing theory, a queueing model is used to approximate a real queueing situation or system, so the queueing behaviour can be analysed mathematically. Queueing models allow a number of useful steady state performance measures to be determined …   Wikipedia

  • Air traffic control — For the Canadian musical group, see Air Traffic Control (band). Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCTs) at Amsterdam s Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands …   Wikipedia

  • Little's law — In queueing theory, Little s result, theorem, lemma, or law says::The long term average number of customers in a stable system N, is equal to the long term average arrival rate, lambda;, multiplied by the long term average time a customer spends… …   Wikipedia

  • M/M/1 model — The M/M/1 is a single server queue model, that can be used to approximate a lot of simple systems.Following Kendall s notation it indicates a system where: *Arrivals are a Poisson process; *Service time is exponentially distributed; *There is one …   Wikipedia

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