- instantaneous element
безынерционный элемент; безынерционное звено
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
instantaneous element — neinercinis elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous element vok. trägheitsloses Glied, n rus. безынерционный элемент, m pranc. élément sans inertie, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
élément sans inertie — neinercinis elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous element vok. trägheitsloses Glied, n rus. безынерционный элемент, m pranc. élément sans inertie, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
neinercinis elementas — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous element vok. trägheitsloses Glied, n rus. безынерционный элемент, m pranc. élément sans inertie, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
trägheitsloses Glied — neinercinis elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous element vok. trägheitsloses Glied, n rus. безынерционный элемент, m pranc. élément sans inertie, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
безынерционный элемент — neinercinis elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. instantaneous element vok. trägheitsloses Glied, n rus. безынерционный элемент, m pranc. élément sans inertie, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
безынерционное звено — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN instantaneous element … Справочник технического переводчика
celestial mechanics — the branch of astronomy that deals with the application of the laws of dynamics and Newton s law of gravitation to the motions of heavenly bodies. [1815 25] * * * Branch of astronomy that deals with the mathematical theory of the motions of… … Universalium
EPR paradox — In quantum mechanics, the EPR paradox is a thought experiment which challenged long held ideas about the relation between the observed values of physical quantities and the values that can be accounted for by a physical theory. EPR stands for… … Wikipedia
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
physical science, principles of — Introduction the procedures and concepts employed by those who study the inorganic world. physical science, like all the natural sciences, is concerned with describing and relating to one another those experiences of the surrounding… … Universalium
PID controller — A block diagram of a PID controller A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems – a PID is the most commonly used feedback… … Wikipedia