- array element
1) элемент массива2) элемент матрицы3) матричный элемент4) элемент антенной решётки
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Array-Element — Array Element, die Variable oder das Datenelement in einem Array … Universal-Lexikon
array element — masyvo elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. array cell; array component; array element vok. Feldelement, n rus. элемент массива, m pranc. élément du tableau, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Array element — Элемент массива (данных) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Array comparative genomic hybridization — (also CMA, Chromosomal Microarray Analyisis, Microarray based comparative genomic hybridization, array CGH, a CGH, or aCGH) detects genomic copy number variations at a higher resolution level than chromosome based comparative genomic… … Wikipedia
Array slicing — In computer programming, array slicing is an operation that extracts certain elements from an array and packages them as another array, possibly with different number of indices (or dimensions) and different index ranges. Two common examples are… … Wikipedia
élément du tableau — masyvo elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. array cell; array component; array element vok. Feldelement, n rus. элемент массива, m pranc. élément du tableau, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
array cell — masyvo elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. array cell; array component; array element vok. Feldelement, n rus. элемент массива, m pranc. élément du tableau, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
array component — masyvo elementas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. array cell; array component; array element vok. Feldelement, n rus. элемент массива, m pranc. élément du tableau, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
element — [el′ə mənt] n. [ME < OFr < L elementum, first principle, element] 1. any of the four substances (earth, air, fire, and water) formerly believed to constitute all physical matter 2. any of these four substances thought of as the natural… … English World dictionary
Array — In computer science an array [Paul E. Black, array , in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures , Paul E. Black, ed., U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 26 August 2008 (accessed 10 September 2008).… … Wikipedia
Array data type — Not to be confused with Array data structure. In computer science, an array type is a data type that is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices that can be computed at run time by the … Wikipedia