initial letter

initial letter
заглавная буква, инициал

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "initial letter" в других словарях:

  • initial letter — noun : initial 1b …   Useful english dictionary

  • Initial letter — Начальная буква; Инициал …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • initial — [i nish′əl] adj. [< Fr or L: Fr < L initialis < initium, a beginning < inire, to go into, enter upon, begin < in , into, in + ire, to go < IE base * ei > Goth iddja] having to do with, indicating, or occurring at the… …   English World dictionary

  • initial — adj Initial, original, primordial can all mean existing at or constituting the beginning or start of a thing, espe cially of a thing that gradually assumes shape or form or that manifests itself in many ways. Nevertheless, in spite of this… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • List of television stations in the United States by call sign (initial letter K) — This is a list of full power television stations in the United States having call signs beginning with the letter K . Most low power TV stations, those with designations such as KAGN LP or K11XQ, have not been included in this list.See also the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of television stations in the United States by call sign (initial letter W) — This is a list of television stations in the United States having call signs beginning with the letter W .See also the list of TV stations beginning with K and the list of TV stations beginning with X .WA WCWF TV 40 Independent Saranac Lake, New… …   Wikipedia

  • List of independent television stations in the U.S. by call sign (initial letter K) — In the United States there exist a number of independent television stations. An independent station is a television station that is not affiliated with any network. These stations rely instead on in house production and syndicated programs. This …   Wikipedia

  • List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letter W) — This is a list of AM radio stations in the United States having call signs beginning with the letter W .WA WD WG WJ WM WP WS WV WY WZ ee also* North American call sign …   Wikipedia

  • List of AM radio stations in the United States by call sign (initial letter K) — This is a list of AM radio stations in the United States having call signs beginning with the letter K .KA KD KG KJ KM KP KS KV KY KZ ee also* North American call sign …   Wikipedia

  • initial — adj., n., & v. adj. of, existing, or occurring at the beginning (initial stage; initial expenses). n. 1 = initial letter. 2 (usu. in pl.) the first letter or letters of the words of a (esp. a person s) name or names. (initialled,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • initial — I UK [ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)l] / US adjective [only before noun] *** a) happening at the beginning of a process, or when you first see or hear about something initial stage/phase: At the initial stage of the project not everyone had access to a computer.… …   English dictionary

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