Смотреть что такое "inhibit" в других словарях:
inhibit — in‧hib‧it [ɪnˈhɪbt] verb [transitive] to prevent something from growing or developing in the way that it could or being as good as it should be: • Air fares tend to be higher at airports where certain factors inhibit competition among airlines.… … Financial and business terms
Inhibit — In*hib it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Inhibited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Inhibiting}.] [L. inhibitus, p. p. of inhibere; pref. in in + habere to have, hold. See {Habit}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To check; to hold back; to restrain; to hinder. [1913 Webster] Their… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inhibit — I verb arrest, ban, bar, bridle, check, choke, constrain, control, curb, debar, delay, disallow, enjoin, estop, extinguish, forbid, frustrate, gag, govern, harness, hinder, hold back, hold in, impede, intercept, interdicere, interdict, interrupt … Law dictionary
inhibit — (v.) early 15c., to forbid, prohibit, back formation from inhibition or else from L. inhibitus, pp. of inhibere to hold in, hold back, keep back (see INHIBITION (Cf. inhibition)). Psychological sense (1876) is from earlier, softened meaning of… … Etymology dictionary
inhibit — inhìbīt m <G inhibíta> DEFINICIJA ono što usporava, otežava; supstancija koja usporava ili zaustavlja neku reakciju; negativni katalizator; kočnica, inhibitor ETIMOLOGIJA vidi inhibirati … Hrvatski jezični portal
inhibit — 1 *forbid, prohibit, interdict, ban, enjoin Analogous words: *prevent, preclude, obviate, avert, ward: debar, rule out, *exclude: *hinder, impede, obstruct, block, bar Antonyms: allow Contrasted words: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
inhibit — [v] restrict, prevent arrest, avert, bar, bit, bridle, check, constrain, cramp, curb, discourage, enjoin, faze, forbid, frustrate, hang up*, hinder, hog tie*, hold back, hold down, hold in, impede, interdict, keep in, obstruct, outlaw, prohibit,… … New thesaurus
inhibit — ► VERB (inhibited, inhibiting) 1) hinder or restrain (an action or process). 2) make (someone) unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. DERIVATIVES inhibited adjective inhibitive adjective. ORIGIN Latin inhibere … English terms dictionary
inhibit — [in hib′it] vt. [< L inhibitus, pp. of inhibere, to hold back, restrain, curb < in , in, on + habere, to have, hold: see HABIT] 1. to hold back or keep from some action, feeling, etc.; check or repress 2. Rare to prohibit; forbid SYN.… … English World dictionary
inhibit — 01. Research suggests that sugar may [inhibit] the body s immune system somewhat. 02. The young woman was so shy that it [inhibited] her ability to make friends. 03. Surprisingly, recent research has discovered that the cocoa powder in chocolate… … Grammatical examples in English
inhibit */ — UK [ɪnˈhɪbɪt] / US verb [transitive, often passive] Word forms inhibit : present tense I/you/we/they inhibit he/she/it inhibits present participle inhibiting past tense inhibited past participle inhibited 1) a) to make it difficult for a process… … English dictionary