- infrared light
инфракрасное (ИК-)излучение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
infrared light — Light not visible to the human eye, with wavelengths longer than those of visible red light and shorter than those of radio waves [23] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
infrared light — noun electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves • Syn: ↑infrared, ↑infrared radiation, ↑infrared emission • Hypernyms: ↑actinic radiation, ↑actinic ray … Useful english dictionary
Infrared light — Инфракрасное излучение, ИК излучение … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
infrared light — see under ray … Medical dictionary
Infrared spectroscopy — (IR spectroscopy) is the subset of spectroscopy that deals with the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. It covers a range of techniques, the most common being a form of absorption spectroscopy. As with all spectroscopic techniques,… … Wikipedia
Infrared cleaning — is a technique used by some film scanners and flatbed scanners to reduce or remove the effect of dust and scratches upon the finished scan. It works by collecting an additional infrared channel from the scan at the same position and resolution as … Wikipedia
Infrared lamp — Infrared lamps are electrical devices which emit infrared radiation. Infrared lamps have many uses, but are most commonly used in communication and heating.Infrared HeatingInfrared heating uses infrared lamps to transmit infrared radiation to the … Wikipedia
Infrared cirrus — are filamentary structures seen in infrared light. The name is given because the structure looks cloud like in appearance. First detected by the Infrared Astronomy Satellite at wavelengths of 60 and 100 micrometres.ee also* Cosmic infrared… … Wikipedia
Light induced voltage alteration — (LIVA) is a semiconductor analysis technique that uses a laser or infrared light source to induce voltage changes in a device while scanning the beam of light across its surface. The technique relies upon the generation of electron hole pairs in… … Wikipedia
Infrared — For other uses, see Infrared (disambiguation). An image of two people in mid infrared ( thermal ) light (false color) … Wikipedia
Infrared photography — Top: tree photographed in the near infrared range. Bottom: same tree in the visible part of the spectrum … Wikipedia