- influence function
функция влияния
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Influence diagram — An influence diagram (ID) (also called a relevance diagram, decision diagram or a decision network) is a compact graphical and mathematical representation of a decision situation. It is a generalization of a Bayesian network, in which not only… … Wikipedia
Function Point Analyse — Die Artikel Function Point Verfahren und Function Point Analyse überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Function (mathematics) — f(x) redirects here. For the band, see f(x) (band). Graph of example function, In mathematics, a function associates one quantity, the a … Wikipedia
Influence britannique au Tibet (1904-1950) — Le Tibet n a jamais été un pays isolé ou étanche aux influences extérieures. Dans le passé, la culture indienne, la culture chinoise ont modifié la contrée[1]. Les interventions armées britanniques au Tibet politique à la fin du XIXe siècle… … Wikipédia en Français
influence line — noun Usage: often capitalized I 1. : line of influence 2. : a graph showing the variation of the longitudinal stress, shear, bending moment, or other effect upon a structural member due to a moving load as a function of the position of that load … Useful english dictionary
Media influence — or media effects are used in media studies, psychology, communication theory and sociology to refer to the theories about the ways in which mass media affect how their audiences think and behave. Connecting the world to individuals and… … Wikipedia
Diversity-function debate — Contents 1 Definitions 2 Issues in Ecology 3 References 4 See also 5 External links … Wikipedia
Radial distribution function — In computational mechanics and statistical mechanics, a radial distribution function (RDF), g ( r ), describes how the density of surrounding matter varies as a function of the distance from a distinguished point.Suppose, for example, that we… … Wikipedia
Likelihood function — In statistics, a likelihood function (often simply the likelihood) is a function of the parameters of a statistical model, defined as follows: the likelihood of a set of parameter values given some observed outcomes is equal to the probability of … Wikipedia
User-defined function — A User Defined Function, or UDF, is a function provided by the user of a program or environment, in a context where the usual assumption is that functions are built into the program or environment.BASIC languageIn some old implementations of the… … Wikipedia
Differential of a function — For other uses of differential in mathematics, see differential (mathematics). In calculus, the differential represents the principal part of the change in a function y = ƒ(x) with respect to changes in the independent variable. The… … Wikipedia