Смотреть что такое "inertance" в других словарях:
Inertance — is a measure of the pressure gradient in a fluid required to cause a change in flow rate with time. The unit of inertance is Pa m 3 s2 and the usual symbol is I. For a circular tube the inertance is given by::I = { ho cdot ell over A} ,where: ρ… … Wikipedia
inertance — [inɛʀtɑ̃s] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de inerte, et suff. ance, dans son emploi spécialisé en physique. ❖ ♦ Phys. En acoustique, Composante de la réactance acoustique d un milieu (avec la pulsation et la « raideur ») … Encyclopédie Universelle
Inertance — Die Inertance ist eine Messgröße der Pneumologie und bezeichnet die Trägheit von Lunge und Thorax. Im klinischen Bereich hat sie kaum Relevanz.[1] Physikalische Betrachtungsweise Vereinfacht kann man die Inertance mit Hilfe eines Rohres erklären … Deutsch Wikipedia
inertance — ]tən(t)s noun ( s) : acoustic inertance * * * /in err tns, i nerr /, n. Acoustics. the effect of inertia in an acoustic system, an impeding of the transmission of sound through the system. Also called acoustic inertance, acoustic mass. [INERT +… … Useful english dictionary
inertance — /in err tns, i nerr /, n. Acoustics. the effect of inertia in an acoustic system, an impeding of the transmission of sound through the system. Also called acoustic inertance, acoustic mass. [INERT + ANCE] * * * … Universalium
inertance — akustinė masė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. acoustic mass vok. akustische Masse, f rus. акустическая масса, f pranc. inertance, f; masse acoustique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
inertance — nectarine … Anagrams dictionary
inertance — in·ert·ance … English syllables
acoustic inertance — noun or acoustic mass : the impeding effect of inertia upon the transmission of sound in a conduit, equal in a tubular conduit (as an organ pipe) to the mass of the vibrating medium divided by the square of the cross section : the acoustic… … Useful english dictionary
acoustic inertance — Acoustics. inertance. Also called acoustic mass. * * * … Universalium
nectarine — inertance … Anagrams dictionary