- induction heater
индукционный нагреватель
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
induction heater — induction heater, any device that uses induction heating, especially an electric furnace … Useful english dictionary
induction heater — noun A heater than employs induction heating … Wiktionary
Induction heating — is the process of heating an electrically conducting object (usually a metal) by electromagnetic induction, where eddy currents are generated within the metal and resistance leads to Joule heating of the metal. An induction heater (for any… … Wikipedia
Induction forging — refers to the use of induction heating to pre heat metals prior to deformation using a press or hammer. Typically metals are heated to between 1100˚C and 1200˚C to increase their malleability and aid flow in the forging die.Induction Forging… … Wikipedia
Heater — A heater is any object that emits heat or causes another body to achieve a higher temperature. In a household or domestic setting, heaters are commonly used to generate heating (ie. warmth).Types of heaters*Block heater *Cathy heater *Central… … Wikipedia
heater — Synonyms and related words: Bunsen burner, Dutch oven, automatic, bedpan, bloom heater, blowgun, blowpipe, brazier, brick oven, burner, calefactory, caliduct, car heater, cooker, cookery, defroster, dielectric heater, dielectric preheater,… … Moby Thesaurus
Drum heater — A drum heater – also called band heater, barrel heater, container heater or canister heater is used to reduce viscosity of liquids and gels by heating in order to fill, pump or bottle the respective liquid or to prevent liquids from freezing… … Wikipedia
RFIQin — RFIQin, also referred to as RFIQ, is a patentedcite web |url=http://www.freshpatents.com/Mamoru Imura OverlandPark invdiri.php|title=Mamoru Imura Patent Inventor Overland Park, KS|publisher= [http://www.freshpatents.com/ FreshPatents.com]… … Wikipedia
soldering — Process that uses metal alloys with low melting points to join metallic surfaces without melting them. Tin lead solders, once widely used in the electrical and plumbing industries, are now replaced by lead free alloys. Such alloys are also used… … Universalium
radiator — Synonyms and related words: AM transmitter, Bunsen burner, Dutch oven, FM transmitter, RT transmitter, alpha radiator, amateur transmitter, beacon, bedpan, beta radiator, bloom heater, brazier, brick oven, calefactory, car heater, defroster,… … Moby Thesaurus
device — Synonyms and related words: AM receiver, AM tuner, AM FM receiver, AM FM tuner, CB, Charlie McCarthy, Fathometer, Flexowriter typewriter, Geiger counter, John Hancock, RDF, X, X ray microscope, ability, achievement, action, ad hoc measure, agency … Moby Thesaurus