arithmetic(al) shift

arithmetic(al) shift
арифметический сдвиг

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "arithmetic(al) shift" в других словарях:

  • Arithmetic shift — In computer programming, an arithmetic shift is a shift operator, sometimes known as a signed shift (though it is not restricted to signed operands). For binary numbers it is a bitwise operation that shifts all of the bits of its operand; every… …   Wikipedia

  • Shift — generally means to change (position). Shift may refer to: * Gear shift, to change gears in a car * Shift work, an employment practice * Shift (music), a change of level in music * Shift (magazine), a former Canadian technology and culture… …   Wikipedia

  • Shift register — In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which have their inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down the line when the circuit is activated. Shift registers… …   Wikipedia

  • arithmetic shift — aritmetinis postūmis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. arithmetic shift; arithmetical shift vok. arithmetische Verschiebung, f; Stellenwertverschiebung, f rus. арифметический сдвиг, m pranc. décalage arithmétique, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Logical shift — In computer science, a logical shift is a shift operator that shifts all the bits of its operand. Unlike an arithmetic shift, a logical shift does not preserve a number s sign bit or distinguish a number s exponent from its mantissa; every bit in …   Wikipedia

  • Finite field arithmetic — Arithmetic in a finite field is different from standard integer arithmetic. There are a limited number of elements in the finite field; all operations performed in the finite field result in an element within that field.While each finite field is …   Wikipedia

  • Circular shift — In combinatorial mathematics, a circular shift is the operation of rearranging the entries in a tuple, either by moving the final entry to the first position, while shifting all other entries to the next position, or by performing the inverse… …   Wikipedia

  • Carry (arithmetic) — In elementary arithmetic a carry is a digit that is transferred from one column of digits to another column of more significant digits during a calculation algorithm. It is a central part of traditional mathematics, but is often omitted from the… …   Wikipedia

  • arithmetical shift — aritmetinis postūmis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. arithmetic shift; arithmetical shift vok. arithmetische Verschiebung, f; Stellenwertverschiebung, f rus. арифметический сдвиг, m pranc. décalage arithmétique, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Bitwise operation — In computer programming, a bitwise operation operates on one or two bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. On most microprocessors, bitwise operations are sometimes slightly faster than addition and subtraction… …   Wikipedia

  • Booth's multiplication algorithm — is a multiplication algorithm that multiplies two signed binary numbers in two s complement notation.ProcedureBooth s algorithm involves repeatedly adding one of two predetermined values A and S to a product P , then performing a rightward… …   Wikipedia

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