- incubator
1) инкубатор2) термостат
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
incubator — in‧cu‧ba‧tor [ˈɪŋkjbeɪtə ǁ ər] noun [countable] COMMERCE COMPUTING a company or organization that provides help and support for new companies, especially ones using advanced technology or the Internet: • The government set up an Internet… … Financial and business terms
incubator — INCUBATÓR, incubatoare, s.n. Instalaţie special amenajată, de clocire artificială, pentru asigurarea condiţiilor de temperatură, umiditate, ventilaţie, întoarcerea ouălor, securitate etc., necesare dezvoltării normale a embrionului de ou; cloşcă… … Dicționar Român
Incubator — In cu*ba tor, n. 1. That which incubates, especially, an apparatus by means of which eggs are hatched by artificial heat. [1913 Webster] 2. An apparatus containing an enclosed chamber, used for the cultivation of micro[ o]rganisms or tissue… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Incubator — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Death Metal Gründung 1989 Website http://www.the sixth dime … Deutsch Wikipedia
incubator — (n.) apparatus for hatching eggs by artificial heat, 1845, from INCUBATE (Cf. incubate) + OR (Cf. or) … Etymology dictionary
incubator — meaning ‘a device for keeping a baby at a constant temperature’, is spelt or not er … Modern English usage
incubator — ► NOUN 1) an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow micro organisms under controlled conditions. 2) an enclosed apparatus providing a controlled and protective environment for the care of premature babies … English terms dictionary
incubator — [in′kyə bāt΄ər, iŋ′kyə bāt΄ər] n. a person or thing that incubates; specif., a) an artificially heated container for hatching eggs b) a similar apparatus in which premature babies are kept for a period c) an apparatus for growing microbial or… … English World dictionary
incubator — /in kyeuh bay teuhr, ing /, n. 1. an apparatus in which eggs are hatched artificially. 2. an enclosed apparatus in which prematurely born infants are kept in controlled conditions, as of temperature, for protection and care. 3. an apparatus in… … Universalium
incubator — n. A company that helps a start up business by providing office space and equipment, arranging financing, and offering business guidance. Example Citation: Incubators are the future of business, said Howard Morgan, vice chairman of Pasadena based … New words
incubator — [[t]ɪ̱nkjʊbeɪtə(r)[/t]] incubators 1) N COUNT An incubator is a piece of hospital equipment which helps weak or small babies to survive. It consists of a transparent container in which the oxygen and temperature levels can be controlled. 2) N… … English dictionary