in-orbit satellite

in-orbit satellite
орбитальный спутник

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "in-orbit satellite" в других словарях:

  • Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite — Das GEOS (Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite) Programm der Europäischen Weltraumbehörde ESA beinhaltete die ersten Satelliten in einer geostationäre Umlaufbahn, die ausschließlich wissenschaftlichen Zwecken dienten. Im Sprachgebrauch der NASA,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Satellite navigation — Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy · …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite phone — A satellite telephone, satellite phone, or satphone is a type of mobile phone that connects to orbiting satellites instead of terrestrial cell sites. Depending on the architecture of a particular system, coverage may include the entire Earth, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit Communications Company — For the present day company, see Orbit Showtime. Orbit Communications Company Type Satellite television Industry Telecommunication Fate …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite insurance — which was formed as a specialist branch of aviation insurance is being underwritten by veyy few insurers in world. It was during the period of 1965 the first satellite insurance project placed with Lloyds of London to cover physical damages on… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite Business Systems — Satellite Business Systems, abbreviated as SBS , was a company founded by IBM, Aetna, Comsat (and later purchased by MCI), that provided private professional satellite communications through its SBS fleet of FSS geosynchronous satellites, and was …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit determination — is a branch of astronomy specialised in calculating, and hence predicting, the orbits of objects such as moons, planets, and spacecraft . These orbits could be orbiting the Earth, or other bodies. The determination of the orbit of newly observed… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbit News — is a 24 hour satellite and cable channel offering American news programming to viewers abroad, primarily geared towards an Arab audience. The network is available on digital satellite and cable in Europe, Middle East and North… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite (disambiguation) — Satellite may refer to:* Artificial satellite, an object placed into orbit by human endeavor ** Satellite imagery, images taken by such satellites * Natural satellite, an object naturally occurring in orbit (E.g.: a moon, a planet, a comet, an… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite Launch Vehicle — Das Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) war die erste Trägerrakete, die Indien selbst entwickelt hat. Nachdem die ISRO 1969 gegründet worden war, begann sie damit, ein eigenes Trägersystem zu entwickeln, welches sie 1979 fertigstellte. Die Rakete… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Orbit Communications — est une société Bahreïnienne de télévision payante par satellite créée en 1994 et qui a fusionnée en juillet 2009 avec Showtime Arabia, société équivalente basée à Dubaï dans une co entreprise nommée Orbit Showtime. Historique Cette section est… …   Wikipédia en Français

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