impurity state

impurity state
примесный (энергетический) уровень

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "impurity state" в других словарях:

  • impurity state — priemaišinė būsena statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. impurity state vok. Störstellenzustand, m; Störzustand, m; Verunreinigungszustand, m rus. примесное состояние, n pranc. état d’impureté, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • impurity — [im pyoor′ə tē] n. [OFr impurité < L impuritas] 1. the state or quality of being impure 2. pl. impurities an impure thing or element …   English World dictionary

  • Impurity — For other uses, see Impurity (disambiguation). Impurities are substances inside a confined amount of liquid, gas, or solid, which differ from the chemical composition of the material or compound. Impurities are either naturally occurring or added …   Wikipedia

  • impurity — [[t]ɪmpjʊ͟ərɪti[/t]] impurities 1) N COUNT: usu pl Impurities are substances that are present in small quantities in another substance and make it dirty or of an unacceptable quality. The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities. 2) N… …   English dictionary

  • impurity — noun (plural ties) Date: 15th century 1. something that is impure or makes something else impure < removing impurities from water > 2. the quality or state of being impure …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • impurity — /im pyoor i tee/, n., pl. impurities for 2. 1. the quality or state of being impure. 2. Often, impurities. something that is or makes impure: After the flood the authorities warned against impurities in the drinking water. [1400 50; late ME… …   Universalium

  • impurity — im|pu|ri|ty [ımˈpjuərıti US ˈpjur ] n plural impurities 1.) [C usually plural] a substance of a low quality that is contained in or mixed with something else, making it less pure ▪ All natural minerals contain impurities. ▪ Our oatmeal face mask… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • impurity — im·pu·ri·ty || ɪm pjÊŠrÉ™tɪ / pjÊŠÉ™r n. quality of being unclean or contaminated; state of being morally unclean or corrupt; insignificant material that should be removed; component or ingredient that spoils the purity of something …   English contemporary dictionary

  • impurity — noun 1 (countable usually plural) part of an almost pure substance that is of a lower quality: All natural minerals contain impurities. 2 (U) the state of being impure …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • impurity — im•pu•ri•ty [[t]ɪmˈpyʊər ɪ ti[/t]] n. pl. ties 1) the quality or state of being impure 2) Often, impurities. something that is or makes impure: to remove impurities from the air[/ex] • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME < L …   From formal English to slang

  • impurity — /ɪmˈpjʊərəti/ (say im pyoouhruhtee) noun (plural impurities) 1. the quality or state of being impure. 2. (often plural) that which is or makes impure: impurities in drinking water …  

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