- area navigation route
возд. маршрут зональной навигации
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
area navigation route — An ATS route established for the use of aircraft capable of employing area navigation (ICAO). ATS stands for air traffic services … Aviation dictionary
area navigation high route — An area navigation route in which the airspace extends from 18,000 ft AMSL (above mean sea level) to FL (flight level) 450 (45,000 ft) … Aviation dictionary
area navigation low route — An area navigation route between 12,000 ft AGL (above ground level) and up to but not including 18,000 ft … Aviation dictionary
area navigation (RNAV) approach configurations — The approach configurations for area navigation are the standard T, modified T, standard I, and terminal arrival area. i. Standard T. An RNAV approach whose design allows direct flight to any one of three initial approach fixes (IAF) and… … Aviation dictionary
Area navigation — Flächennavigation, kurz RNAV (engl. Random navigation, Area navigation), ist in der Luftfahrt ein Navigationsverfahren, das die Route über frei wählbare Wegpunkte (Waypoints) festlegt. Festgelegte Funkfeuer am Boden müssen nicht mehr angeflogen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
area navigation — A method of navigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of station referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self contained aids, or a combination of these (ICAO). RNAV… … Aviation dictionary
Route choice (orienteering) — Route choice is a tactic in orienteering and related sports such as rogaining and adventure racing. These sports involve navigating point to point and, in most cases, the choice of route is left to the competitor. Route choice involves… … Wikipedia
RNAV (area navigation) waypoint — A predetermined geographical position used for route or instrument approach definition or progress reporting purposes that is defined relative to a VORTAC (very high frequency omnidirectional radio range and tactical air navigation) station… … Aviation dictionary
Navigation research — Whereas originally the term Navigation applies to the process of directing a ship to a destination, Navigation research deals with fundamental aspects of navigation in general. It can be defined as The process of determining and maintaining a… … Wikipedia
Area 51 — This article is about the U.S. Air Force installation in Nevada. For other uses, see Area 51 (disambiguation). Area 51 … Wikipedia
Area Control Center — [ thumb|300px|This temporary flight restriction map from the Federal Aviation Administration shows the boundaries of the regions controlled by the Area Control Centers within and adjoining the continental United States, as well as the FAA… … Wikipedia