imaging radar

imaging radar
РЛС с формированием изображения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "imaging radar" в других словарях:

  • Radar MASINT — is one of the subdisciplines of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) and refers to intelligence gathering activities that bring together disparate elements that do not fit within the definitions of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT),… …   Wikipedia

  • Imaging — is the formation of an image.Imaging may also refer to:* Digital imaging, creating digital images, generally by scanning, or through digital photography * Medical imaging, creating images of the human body or parts of it, to diagnose or examine… …   Wikipedia

  • RADAR — ist die Abkürzung für Radio Detection and Ranging (frei übersetzt: „Funkortung und abstandsmessung“), ursprünglich Radio Aircraft Detection and Ranging (frei übersetzt: „Funkbasierte Flugzeugortung und abstandsmessung“) und ist die Bezeichnung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • RaDAR — ist die Abkürzung für Radio Detection and Ranging (frei übersetzt: „Funkortung und abstandsmessung“), ursprünglich Radio Aircraft Detection and Ranging (frei übersetzt: „Funkbasierte Flugzeugortung und abstandsmessung“) und ist die Bezeichnung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Radar — ist die Abkürzung für Radio Detection and Ranging (frei übersetzt: „Funkortung und abstandsmessung“), ursprünglich Radio Aircraft Detection and Ranging (frei übersetzt: „funkbasierte Flugzeugortung und abstandsmessung“) und ist die Bezeichnung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… …   Universalium

  • Radar imaging — Traditional radar sends directional pulses of electromagnetic energy and detects the presence, position and motion of an object (such as an aircraft) by analyzing the portion of the energy reflected from the object back to the radar station.… …   Wikipedia

  • Imaging science — is concerned with the generation, collection, duplication, analysis, modification, and visualization of images. As an evolving field it includes research and researchers from physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, computer vision, computer …   Wikipedia

  • Radar astronomy — is a technique of observing nearby astronomical objects by reflecting microwaves off target objects and analyzing the echoes. This research has been conducted for four decades. Radar astronomy differs from radio astronomy in that the latter is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Imaging technology — is the application of materials and methods to create, preserve or duplicate images. This can mean several things: *Computer graphics *Microfilm and Micrographics *Visual arts **Etching **Drawing and Technical drawing **Cinema **Painting… …   Wikipedia

  • imaging — [im′ij iŋ] n. the act or process of recording or producing an image, esp. by such means as radar, ultrasound, CT scan, etc. as for scientific research or medical diagnosis …   English World dictionary

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