- illegal instruction
запрещённая команда
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
illegal — il‧le‧gal [ɪˈliːgl] adjective 1. LAW not allowed by the law: illegal it is illegal to do something • It s illegal to copy copyrighted movie cassettes. • Despite knowing about the illegal activity, the executives failed to tell the government for … Financial and business terms
Illegal opcode — An Illegal Opcode, also called an Undocumented Instruction, is an instruction to a CPU that is not mentioned in any official documentation released by the CPU s designer or manufacturer, which nevertheless has an effect. Illegal opcodes were… … Wikipedia
Instruction scheduling — In computer science, instruction scheduling is a compiler optimization used to improve instruction level parallelism, which improves performance on machines with instruction pipelines. Put more simply, without changing the meaning of the code, it … Wikipedia
Instruction set simulator — An instruction set simulator (ISS) is a simulation model, usually coded in a high level programming language, which mimics the behavior of a mainframe or microprocessor by reading instructions and maintaining internal variables which represent… … Wikipedia
Instruction UOP nr 0015/92 — UOP Instruction nr 0015/92 was internal instruction of Urząd Ochrony Państwa issued on October 1992, allowing illegal invigilation and disintigration of Polish parties being in opposition to cabinet of Hanna Suchocka and president Lech… … Wikipedia
Immigré illégal — Étranger en situation irrégulière Introduction Droit des étrangers (France) … Wikipédia en Français
ILL — • ILLegal instruction Signal unter UNIX , vergl. SIGILL • Institut Laue Langevin (High Flux Reaktor) (siehe http://www.ill.fr/) Reaktortechnik • Willmar, MN, USA internationale Flughafen Kennung • nicht mehr vergebenes Autokennzeichen für Kreis… … Acronyms
SIGILL — Illegal Instruction Signal (Signal Nr. 4) unter X/Open UNIX erzeugt normalerweise ein Core Dump ( >xedit /usr/include/signal.h) … Acronyms
SIGILL — Illegal Instruction Signal (Signal Nr. 4) unter X/Open UNIX erzeugt normalerweise ein Core Dump ( >xedit /usr/include/signal.h) … Acronyms von A bis Z
SIGILL — Infobox Computing signal description = Illegal instruction action = Abnormal termination of the process ILL ILLOPC | illegal opcode ILL ILLOPN | illegal operand ILL ADR | illegal addressing mode ILL ILLTRP | illegal trap ILL PRVOPC | privileged… … Wikipedia
Immunity Aware Programming — When writing firmware for an embedded system, immunity aware programming is a set of programming techniques used in an attempt to tolerate transient errors in the program counter or other that would otherwise lead to failure.Immunity aware… … Wikipedia