- ignition primary circuit
авто цепь низкого напряжения системы зажигания
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
primary circuit — The low voltage (6 or 12 volts) path of the ignition system which goes from the positive pole of the battery to the primary windings of the coil, through the breaker points, and into the ground which leads back to the negative pole of the battery … Dictionary of automotive terms
ignition system — the system in an internal combustion engine that produces the spark to ignite the mixture of fuel and air: includes the battery, ignition coil, distributor, spark plugs, and associated switches and wiring. [1900 05] * * * In a gasoline engine,… … Universalium
circuit — [1] A source of electricity (battery), a resistance unit (headlight, etc.) and wires that form a path for the flow of electricity from the source through the unit and back to the source. The path of electrical current through an electrical system … Dictionary of automotive terms
ignition circuits — See primary circuit secondary circuit … Dictionary of automotive terms
Ignition system — For other uses, see Ignition system (disambiguation). An ignition system is a system for igniting a fuel air mixture. Ignition systems are well known in the field of internal combustion engines such as those used in petrol (gasoline) engines used … Wikipedia
Ignition coil — Bosch ignition coil. Dual ignition coils (blue cylinders, top of picture) on a … Wikipedia
ignition pattern — A display of the waveforms in the primary or secondary circuit of an ignition system in the firing order of the engine; optionally parade or display pattern and stacked or raster pattern. Also see reference ignition pattern … Dictionary of automotive terms
twin ignition system — A distributor with two sets of contact points, each of which operates with its own coil in a separate primary circuit; the contact points open alternately, each set firing half of the cylinders … Dictionary of automotive terms
Capacitor discharge ignition — (CDI) or thyristor ignition is a type of automotive electronic ignition system which is widely used in motorcycles, lawn mowers, chain saws, small engines, Turbine powered aircraft, and some cars. It was originally developed to overcome the long… … Wikipedia
National Ignition Facility — NIF s basic layout. The laser pulse is generated in the room just right of center, and is sent into the beamlines (blue) on either side. After several passes through the beamlines the light is sent into the switchyard (red) where it is aimed into … Wikipedia
distributor — [1] A unit in the ignition system designed to make and break the ignition primary circuit and to distribute the resultant high voltage to the proper cylinder at the correct time. The high voltage comes from the coil to the center terminal of the… … Dictionary of automotive terms