
1) архитектура
2) конструкция; конфигурация; структура
3) кфт. художественно-декорационное решение (фильма)
advanced space travel architecture
articulated architecture
bit-slice architecture
chip architecture
civil architecture
computer architecture
cylindrical architecture
data flow architecture
data-bus architecture
die architecture
domestic architecture
dynamic architecture
extensible architecture
firmware architecture
functional architecture
hardware architecture
industrial architecture
instruction-set architecture
microprogrammable architecture
modular architecture
multibus architecture
multiprocessor architecture
naval architecture
network architecture
pipelined architecture
pipeline architecture
real architecture
software architecture
solar architecture
space transportation architecture
stack architecture
tailored architecture
task-oriented architecture
virtual architecture

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу


Смотреть что такое "architecture" в других словарях:

  • architecture — [ arʃitɛktyr ] n. f. • 1504; lat. architectura 1 ♦ L art de construire les édifices. L architecture, art plastique. Règles, technique de l architecture. ⇒ architectonique. Projet d architecture. Architecture militaire (⇒ fortification) , civile,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • architecture —    Architecture in Spain is an area of great complexity, exemplifying the idiosyncrasies of each region and their distinctive histories, rather than displaying common national characteristics. While Andalusia and the Basque country, for example,… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • architecture — ar‧chi‧tec‧ture [ˈɑːktektʆə ǁ ˈɑːrktektʆər] noun [uncountable] 1. the style or design of a building: • modern architecture 2. the study and practice of planning and designing buildings: • Stirling went to Trinity College to study architecture.… …   Financial and business terms

  • architecture — ARCHITECTURE. s. fém. L art de construire, disposer et orner les édifices. Ancienne et moderne Architecture. Architecture Gothique. Les cinq Ordres d Architecture. Chef d oeuvre d Architecture. f♛/b] On appelle Architecture Militaire, L art de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • architecture — Architecture. s. f. L Art de bastir. Ancienne & moderne architecture. architecture gothique. architecture Arabesque. les cinq Ordres d architecture. chef d oeuvre d architecture. Il signifie aussi, La disposition & l ordonnance d un bastiment.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Architecture — Ar chi*tec ture (?; 135), n. [L. architectura, fr. architectus: cf. F. architecture. See {Architect}.] 1. The art or science of building; especially, the art of building houses, churches, bridges, and other structures, for the purposes of civil… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • architecture — architecture, architectonics and their corresponding adjectives architectural and architectonic are often indistinguishable, but they tend to diverge in emphasis. The nouns mean the science of planning and building structures (as churches, houses …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • architecture — [är′kə tek΄chər] n. [Fr < L architectura: see ARCHITECT] 1. the science, art, or profession of designing and constructing buildings, bridges, etc. 2. a building, or buildings collectively 3. a style of construction [Gothic architecture] 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • architecture — ARCHITECTURE: Il n y a que quatre ordre d architecture. Bien entendu qu on ne compte pas l égyptien, le cyclopéen, l assyrien, l indien, le chinois, le gothique, le roman, etc …   Dictionnaire des idées reçues

  • architecture — (n.) 1560s, from M.Fr. architecture, from L. architectura, from architectus architect (see ARCHITECT (Cf. architect)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • architecture — [n1] design of buildings architectonics, building, construction, engineering, planning; concepts 349,439 architecture [n2] design, structure of something composition, constitution, construction, formation, framework, make up, style; concepts… …   New thesaurus

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