- ignition delay
задержка зажигания
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
ignition delay — The time lag between ignition triggering and the production of a spark … Dictionary of automotive terms
delay — See headlight on/off delay system ignition delay … Dictionary of automotive terms
Digital delay generator — A digital delay generator is a piece of electronic test equipment that provides precise delays for triggering, syncing, delaying and gating events. These generators are used in many types of experiments, controls and processes where electronic… … Wikipedia
National Ignition Facility — NIF s basic layout. The laser pulse is generated in the room just right of center, and is sent into the beamlines (blue) on either side. After several passes through the beamlines the light is sent into the switchyard (red) where it is aimed into … Wikipedia
time delay relay — A relay which responds to a signal with a certain delay. In some ignition systems, a time delay relay allows for full vacuum advance 20 30 seconds after start up, after which control is again taken up by the TCS; some cars have an additional time … Dictionary of automotive terms
pyrotechnic delay — A pyrotechnic device added to a firing system which transmits the ignition flame after a predetermined delay … Military dictionary
headlamp delay system — Automatically controls headlamp ON OFF operation after ignition & main lighting switch are turned OFF … Dictionary of automotive terms
Cetane number — or CN is a measurement of the combustion quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition. It is a significant expression of diesel fuel quality among a number of other measurements that determine overall diesel fuel quality. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker … Wikipedia
время — 3.3.4 время tE (time tE): время нагрева начальным пусковым переменным током IА обмотки ротора или статора от температуры, достигаемой в номинальном режиме работы, до допустимой температуры при максимальной температуре окружающей среды. Источник … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Thermobaric weapon — A thermobaric weapon, which includes the type known as a fuel air bomb , is an explosive weapon that produces a blast wave of a significantly longer duration than those produced by condensed explosives. This is useful in military applications… … Wikipedia