idler wheel

idler wheel
1) колесо или шкив без самостоятельного привода
2) паразитное зубчатое колесо

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "idler wheel" в других словарях:

  • Idler-wheel — An idler wheel drive is a system used to transmit the rotation of the main shaft of a motor to another rotating device. For example the platter of a record reproducing turntable or the crankshaft to camshaft gear train of an automobile.An idler… …   Wikipedia

  • idler wheel — noun also idle wheel : a wheel or roller used to transfer motion or to guide or support something: as a. : idler gear b. : idler pulley c. : a rubber surfa …   Useful english dictionary

  • idler wheel — noun Date: 1929 1. a wheel, gear, or roller used to transfer motion or to guide or support something 2. idler pulley …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • idler wheel — /ˈaɪdlə wil/ (say uydluh weel) noun 1. a cogwheel placed between two other cogwheels in order to transfer the motion of one to the other without changing the direction of rotation. 2. an idler pulley …  

  • Idler — An idler is a mechanical device such as an idler pulley or idler wheel that is secondary to the main transfer of power in a mechanical system. See also * Gear ratio * The Idler magazines and an essay collection entitled The Idler * …   Wikipedia

  • wheel — Synonyms and related words: BMOC, Charybdis, Ferris wheel, O, Procrustean bed, airscrew, alternate, annular muscle, annulus, areola, arsis, association, aureole, auto, avert, balance wheel, be here again, beat, bed of Procrustes, bevel gear,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • idler — [īd′lər, īd′ l ər] n. 1. a person who wastes time and does no work; lazy person 2. a gear placed between two others to transfer motion from one to the other without changing their direction or speed: also idler gear or wheel or idle wheel 3. a… …   English World dictionary

  • Idler — I dler, n. 1. One who idles; one who spends his time in inaction; a lazy person; a sluggard. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) One who has constant day duties on board ship, and keeps no regular watch. Totten. [1913 Webster] 3. (Mach.) An idle wheel or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wheel — n. circular rim or solid disc joined to a hub that turns 1) to spin; turn a wheel 2) to align; balance; rotate wheels (on a car) 3) a balance; driving; front; idler; mill; paddle; potter s; ratchet; rear; retractable; roulette; spinning;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Idler — Idle I dle, a. [Compar. {Idler}; superl. {Idlest}.] [OE. idel, AS. [=i]del vain, empty, useless; akin to OS. [=i]dal, D. ijdel, OHG. [=i]tal vain, empty, mere, G. eitel, Dan. & Sw. idel mere, pure, and prob. to Gr. ? clear, pure, ? to burn. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • idler — [1] A gearwheel between a driving and a driven gear in a gear train which may serve to reverse the original direction of rotation of the driven wheel. [2] A free turning pulley or wheel which serves to maintain tension in a belt drive. Also see… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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