- ice phase
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Ice XII — is a metastable, dense, crystalline phase of solid water. It is a type of ice. It was first reported in 1996 by C. Lobban, J.L. Finney and W.F. Kuhs and after initial caution was properly identified in 1998.It was first obtained by cooling liquid … Wikipedia
ICE 1 — ICE 1 Manufacturer various Constructed 1989 to 1993 Refurbishment 2005 to 2008 … Wikipedia
Ice dancing — is a form of figure skating which draws from the world of ballroom dancing. It was first competed at the World Figure Skating Championships in 1952, but did not become a Winter Olympic Games medal sport until 1976. As in pair skating, dancers… … Wikipedia
Ice Ih — is the hexagonal crystal form of ordinary ice, or frozen water. Virtually all ice in the biosphere is ice Ih, with the exception only of a small amount of ice Ic which is occasionally present in the upper atmosphere. Ice Ih exhibits many peculiar … Wikipedia
Ice VII — is a cubic crystalline form of ice formed when liquid water freezes at pressures above 2.2 GPa.cite web |url=http://www.iapws.org/relguide/meltsub.pdf | title = IAPWS, Release on the pressure along the melting and the sublimation curves of… … Wikipedia
Ice IX — is a metastable form of solid water stable at temperatures below 140 K and pressures between 200 and 400 MPa. It has a tetragonal crystal lattice and a density of 1.16 g/cm³, 26% higher than ordinary ice. It is formed by cooling ice III from 208… … Wikipedia
Ice XIV — is a orthorhombic crystalline phase of ice. It is obtained by cooling liquid water to 118 K at a pressure of 1.2 GPa. It is the proton ordered form of ice XII.Ordinary water ice is known as ice Ih, (in the Bridgman nomenclature). Different types… … Wikipedia
Ice IV — is a metastable rhombohedral phase of ice. It can be formed by heating high density amorphous ice slowly at a pressure of 0.81 GPa. It does not easily form without a nucleating agent.Ordinary water ice is known as ice Ih, (in the Bridgman… … Wikipedia
Phase — (f[=a]z), n.; pl. {Phases} (f[=a]z [e^]z). [NL. phasis, Gr. ?, fr. ? to make to appear: cf. F. phase. See {Phenomenon}, {Phantom}, and {Emphasis}.] 1. That which is exhibited to the eye; the appearance which anything manifests, especially any one … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
phase — phase1 [fāz] n. [ModL phasis < Gr < phainesthai, to appear, akin to phainein: see FANTASY] 1. any of the recurrent stages of variation in the illumination and apparent shape of a moon or a planet 2. any of the stages or forms in any series… … English World dictionary
Phase rule — (Phys. Chem.) A generalization with regard to systems of chemical equilibrium, discovered by Prof. J. Willard Gibbs. It may be stated thus: The degree of variableness (number of degrees of freedom) of a system is equal to the number of components … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English