сокр. от Institute for Basic StandardsИнститут основных эталонов (США)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
IBS — Возможно, Вы искали информацию о немецкой компании IBS AG IBS Год основания 1992 Располож … Википедия
IBS AG — Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft ISIN DE0006228406 Gründung 1982 … Deutsch Wikipedia
IBS AG — Тип … Википедия
IBS — is an abbreviation with several meanings: * Irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder of the bowel * IBS , a satirical news channel on the BBC s programme Broken News * ICFAI Business School, an MBA School in India * Institute of Broadcast Sound, a UK … Wikipedia
IBS — (medicine) abbrev Irritable bowel syndrome * * * IBS UK [ˌaɪ biː ˈes] US [ˌaɪ bi ˈes] noun [uncountable] irritable bowel syndrome: a medical condition in which you have stomach pains and pass solid waste from your body more or less often than is… … Useful english dictionary
IBS — Abreviatura de síndrome del intestino irritable. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
IBS — IBS, Abkürzung für Internationale Berufssekretariate … Universal-Lexikon
IBS — [ ,aı bi es ] noun uncount MEDICAL irritable bowel syndrome: a medical condition in which you have stomach pains and pass solid waste matter more or less often than is normal … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
IBS — Die Abkürzung IBS steht für IBS AG, deutsches Software Unternehmen IBS Software Services, indisches Informationstechnik Unternehmen Integraler Befund Service International Bible Society Irritable Bowel Syndrome, siehe Reizdarmsyndrom… … Deutsch Wikipedia
IBS — identical by state; imidazole buffered saline; immunoblastic sarcoma; integrated backscatter; Iowa Breakfast Study; irritable bowel syndrome; isobaric solution * * * IBS abbr irritable bowel syndrome * * * see irritable bowel syndrome * * *… … Medical dictionary
IBS — Internet Bitch Slap (currently in v1.1.): used when someone only reachable electronically needs a bitch slap. I just had to IBS a client. I didn t know they grew people that stupid here … Dictionary of american slang