- hydrogen chloride
хлористый водород
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
hydrogen chloride — n a colorless pungent poisonous gas HCl that fumes in moist air and yields hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water * * * a corrosive inorganic acid, HCl; see hydrochloric acid … Medical dictionary
Hydrogen chloride — HCl redirects here. For the acid, see Hydrochloric acid. Hydrogen chloride … Wikipedia
hydrogen chloride — a colorless gas, HCl, having a pungent odor: the anhydride of hydrochloric acid. [1865 70] * * * ▪ chemical compound (HCl), a compound of the elements hydrogen and chlorine, a gas at room temperature and pressure. A solution of the gas in… … Universalium
hydrogen chloride — vandenilio chloridas statusas T sritis chemija formulė HCl atitikmenys: angl. hydrochloric acid; hydrogen chloride rus. водорода хлорид; хлороводород … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hydrogen chloride — /haɪdrədʒən ˈklɔraɪd/ (say huydruhjuhn klawruyd) noun a colourless, poisonous gas, HCl, obtained by burning hydrogen in chlorine …
hydrogen chloride — noun a colorless corrosive gas (HCl) • Hypernyms: ↑acid * * * noun : a colorless pungent nonflammable poisonous gas HCl that fumes strongly in moist air and yields hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water and that is obtained primarily as a by… … Useful english dictionary
hydrogen chloride — noun Date: 1869 a colorless pungent poisonous gas HCl that fumes in moist air and yields hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water … New Collegiate Dictionary
hydrogen chloride — noun An inorganic compound with the formula HCl. Forms hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water … Wiktionary
hydrogen chloride — hy′drogen chlo′ride n. chem. a colorless gas, HCl, having a pungent odor: the anhydride of hydrochloric acid • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
hydrogen — /huy dreuh jeuhn/, n. a colorless, odorless, flammable gas that combines chemically with oxygen to form water: the lightest of the known elements. Symbol: H; at. wt.: 1.00797; at. no.: 1; density: 0.0899 g/l at 0°C and 760 mm pressure. [1785 95;… … Universalium
Hydrogen — This article is about the chemistry of hydrogen. For the physics of atomic hydrogen, see Hydrogen atom. For other meanings, see Hydrogen (disambiguation). ← hydrogen → helium … Wikipedia