human-error event

human-error event
событие по вине обслуживающего персонала

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "human-error event" в других словарях:

  • Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction — (THERP) is a technique used in the field of Human reliability Assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken… …   Wikipedia

  • Human cognitive reliability correlation — (HCR) is a technique used in the field of Human reliability Assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken to …   Wikipedia

  • Human extinction — is the end of the human species. Various scenarios have been discussed in science, popular culture, and religion (see End time). The scope of this article is existential risks. Humans are very widespread on the Earth, and live in communities… …   Wikipedia

  • Error — The word error has different meanings and usages relative to how it is conceptually applied. The concrete meaning of the Latin word error means wandering or straying . To the contrary of an illusion, an error or a mistake can sometimes be… …   Wikipedia

  • Human factors — For other uses, see The Human Factor (disambiguation). Research subject in a human fatigue study. Human factors science or human factors technologies is a multidisciplinary field incorporating contributions from psychology, engineering,… …   Wikipedia

  • human — hu|man1 W1 [ˈhju:mən] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : French; Origin: humain, from Latin humanus] 1.) belonging to or relating to people, especially as opposed to machines or animals ▪ There are many different cell types in the human body . ▪ the power… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Human sacrifice — is the act of homicide (the killing of one or several human beings) in the context of a religious ritual (ritual killing). Its typology closely parallels the various practices of ritual slaughter of animals (animal sacrifice) and of religious… …   Wikipedia

  • human behaviour — Introduction       the potential and expressed capacity for physical, mental, and social activity during the phases of human life.       Human beings, like other animal species, have a typical life course that consists of successive phases of… …   Universalium

  • human disease — Introduction       an impairment of the normal state of a human being that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. health versus disease       Before human disease can be discussed, the meanings of the terms health, physical fitness, illness …   Universalium

  • human development — ▪ biology Introduction  the process of growth and change that takes place between birth and maturity.       Human growth is far from being a simple and uniform process of becoming taller or larger. As a child (child development) gets bigger,… …   Universalium

  • Medical error — A medical error may be defined as a preventable adverse effect of care, whether or not it is evident or harmful to the patient. This might include an inaccurate or incomplete diagnosis or treatment of a disease, injury, syndrome, behavior,… …   Wikipedia

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