сокр. от homogeneous reactor testопытный гомогенный ядерный реактор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
HRT — Cosworth Полное название … Википедия
hrt — hȑt m <G hr̀ta, N mn hr̀tovi> DEFINICIJA 1. kinol. vrlo brz lovački pas (Canis familiaris gradus), gonič vitka tijela, udubljena trbuha i dugih nogu [ruski hrt; afganistanski hrt; perzijski hrt] 2. pren. vrlo mršava, žilava osoba… … Hrvatski jezični portal
HRT — is an abbreviation that can stand for:Medical* Habit reversal training * Heart rate turbulence * Hormone replacement therapy (menopause) * Hormone replacement therapy (male to female), for transwomen * Hormone replacement therapy (female to male) … Wikipedia
HRT — steht für: Habit Reversal Training, ein verhaltenstherapeutisches Verfahren zur Behandlung von nervösen Verhaltensangewohnheiten Hand Radio Terminal, ein Handsprechfunkgerät für den Bündelfunk Handlungsregulationstheorie, eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HRT — [ˌeıtʃ a: ˈti: US a:r ] n [U] hormone replacement therapy treatment for women during and after the ↑menopause, in which they are given ↑hormones to replace those which are lacking … Dictionary of contemporary English
HRT — [ ,eıtʃ ar ti ] noun uncount hormone replacement therapy: a medical treatment designed to reduce the effects of a woman s MENOPAUSE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
HRT — (Hormone Replacement Therapy) form of medical treatment in which a patient receives medicinal supplements to replace missing or deficient hormones (commonly used to treat women during and after menopause) … English contemporary dictionary
HRT — DEFINICIJA krat. Hrvatska radio televizija … Hrvatski jezični portal
HRT — ► ABBREVIATION ▪ hormone replacement therapy … English terms dictionary
HRT — abbrev. hormone replacement therapy: therapy for replacing or replenishing certain female sex hormones as during menopause or after a hysterectomy … English World dictionary
HRT 1 — Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang: Kabel, Satellit DVB T Länder: Kroatien Sendeanstalt … Deutsch Wikipedia