
1) помещение; здание; жилище; жилой фонд || жилищный
2) кожух; корпус; оболочка
3) картер
4) станина; рама; стойка
5) полость; ниша; гнездо
6) паз; отверстие
7) розетка
8) чехол; футляр
9) кфт. бокс
absorbent housing
accessory drive housing
axle housing
banjo axle housing
beam housing
bearing housing
bevel gear housing
blimp housing
blooming mill housing
brake housing
cable housing
camera housing
casting housing
centershift gear housing
circle drive housing
clutch housing
combustion chamber housing
connector housing
connect housing
container housing
draft gear housing
drive axle housing
flywheel housing
foldable housing
front bearing housing
front timing gear housing
front wheel spindle housing
gas-blower housing
gyro housing
hermetic housing
journal housing
lens housing
light-tight housing
mainframe housing
molded housing
nut housing
oil seal housing
oil strainer housing
open-topped housing
pressure-tight housing
protective housing
regulating wheel housing
saw blade housing
sealed housing
shaft housing
shutter housing
simple housing
single housing
snubber housing
split axle housing
spring housing
steering gear housing
tandem housing
three-high housing
transformer housing
transmission housing
turbocharger center housing
wayside housing
wheel lean gear housing

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "housing" в других словарях:

  • housing — hous‧ing [ˈhaʊzɪŋ] noun 1. [uncountable] PROPERTY the houses or conditions that people live in: • the link between poor housing and health • The smartest new housing developments in Malaysia often come with golf courses attached. • Falling prices …   Financial and business terms

  • housing —    Housing in Britain has increasingly been dominated by one type, the owner occupied, single family dwelling in a suburb, in marked contrast to practice elsewhere in Europe. It is not however the only form of British housing, and emphasizing it… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • housing —    Housing in Spain runs the entire gamut of housing types, from the rudimentary shacks of the shanty towns to opulent detached villas located on the outskirts of towns, or in prestigious suburbs like the nineteenth century Salamanca district of… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • housing — housing1 [hou′ziŋ] n. [ME husing] 1. the act of providing shelter or lodging 2. shelter or lodging; accommodation in houses, apartments, etc.: often used attributively [the housing problem] 3. houses collectively 4. a shelter; covering 5 …   English World dictionary

  • Housing — can be:* To do with dwellings and houses ** A shortened version of the United States Federal Housing Administration * An enclosure containing some equipment or mechanism …   Wikipedia

  • Housing — bezeichnet: Serverhousing, die Unterbringung und Netzanbindung eines Servers in einem Rechenzentrum Housing (MMORPG), Zonen in einem Computerspiel, in denen Spieler oder Gilden Häuser bauen oder beziehen können Diese Seite ist eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Housing — Hous ing, n. [From {House}. In some of its senses this word has been confused with the following word.] 1. The act of putting or receiving under shelter; the state of dwelling in a habitation. [1913 Webster] 2. That which shelters or covers;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Housing — Hous ing, n. [From {Houss}.] 1. A cover or cloth for a horse s saddle, as an ornamental or military appendage; a saddlecloth; a horse cloth; in plural, trappings. [1913 Webster] 2. An appendage to the hames or collar of a harness. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • housing — index development (building), habitation (dwelling place), lodging, residence Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Housing —   [dt. »(Bereitstellen einer) Behausung«], Webspace …   Universal-Lexikon

  • housing — [n] place of accommodation construction, digs*, dwelling, habitation, home, house, lodgment, quarter, quarterage, residence, roof, shelter, sheltering, stopping place; concepts 388,516 …   New thesaurus

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