hot process

hot process
пищ. (технологический) процесс, проходящий при нагревании

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "hot process" в других словарях:

  • Hot air engine — (historically simply air engine or caloric engine [cite book|author=Robert Sier|title=Hot air caloric and stirling engines. Vol.1, A history|edition=1st Edition (Revised)|publisher=L.A. Mair|year=1999|id=ISBN 0 9526417 0 4] ) is a catch all term… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot blast — refers to the preheating of air blown into a blast furnace or other metallurgical process. This has the result of considerably reducing the fuel consumed in the process. This was invented and patented for iron furnaces by James Beaumont Neilson… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot-dip galvanizing — is a form of galvanization. It is the process of coating iron or steel with a thin zinc layer, by passing the steel through a molten bath of zinc at a temperature of around 860 °F (460 °C). When exposed to the atmosphere, pure zinc reacts with… …   Wikipedia

  • Process control — is a statistics and engineering discipline that deals with architectures, mechanisms, and algorithms for controlling the output of a specific process. See also control theory.For example, heating up the temperature in a room is a process that has …   Wikipedia

  • Hot rolling — is a metalworking process where large pieces of metal, such as slabs or billets, are heated above their recrystallization temperature and then deformed between rollers to form smaller cross sections. Hot rolling produces thinner cross sections… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot roots — is a term used by hair stylists to explain the condition brought about by applying an artificial pigment to the hair, whereby the roots (the sections of the hair follicles closest to the scalp) are noticeably warmer in color (more red/orange)… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot cathode — is also a name for a hot filament ionization gauge, a vacuum measuring device.In vacuum tubes, a hot cathode is a cathode electrode which emits electrons due to thermionic emission. ( Cf. cold cathodes, where field emission is used and which do… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot isostatic pressing — (HIP) is a manufacturing process used to reduce the porosity of metals and influence the density of many ceramic materials. This improves the mechanical properties, workability and ceramic density.The HIP process subjects a component to both… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot Wheels — is a brand of die cast toy car, introduced by American toymaker Mattel in 1968. It was the primary competitor of Johnny Lightning and Matchbox until 1996, when Mattel acquired rights to the Matchbox brand from Tyco. The original, and now famous,… …   Wikipedia

  • Hot Wheels AcceleRacers — The second film s DVD box art Genre Action Adventure Sci Fi …   Wikipedia

  • Hot stamping — is defined as a dry printing process, which uses controlled heat, pressure, and precision timing to transfer a color pigment from foil to surfaces of varied shapes and materials. This process forms a permanent bond between the part and the foil,… …   Wikipedia

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