- hot logging
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
hot logging — noun : logging in which the logs are taken from stump directly to stream landing or mill compare cold deck … Useful english dictionary
Breitenbush Hot Springs — Retreat and Conference Center (pronunciation: BRIGHT en BUSH), commonly called Breitenbush Hot Springs or simply Breitenbush (or even The Bush by locals), is a worker owned resort community featuring holistic and spiritual retreats. It is… … Wikipedia
Dunton Hot Springs, Colorado — Dunton Hot Springs, also known as Dunton, Colorado (though never officially incorporated), is a tiny huddle of log buildings that sits at 8,600 feet on the West Fork of the Dolores River in the San Juan Mountains in the Southwest corner of… … Wikipedia
Lussier Hot Springs — is a quaint and undeveloped hot spring just inside Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park in British Columbia, a province of Canada. Access Access is East off Highway 93/95 at the Whiteswan Provincial Park exit (located 22 km North of Skookumchuck or 8… … Wikipedia
environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… … Universalium
forestry — /fawr euh stree, for /, n. 1. the science of planting and taking care of trees and forests. 2. the process of establishing and managing forests; forestation. 3. forestland. [1685 95; < MF foresterie. See FOREST, RY] * * * Management of forested… … Universalium
Ruffed lemur — Taxobox name = Ruffed lemursMSW3 Groves|pages=Varecia|id=12100059] image caption = Black and white Ruffed Lemur ( Varecia variegata ) regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Primates subordo = Strepsirrhini familia =… … Wikipedia
Mexico — /mek si koh /, n. 1. a republic in S North America. 97,563,374; 761,530 sq. mi. (1,972,363 sq. km). Cap.: Mexico City. 2. a state in central Mexico. 6,245,000; 8268 sq. mi. (21,415 sq. km). Cap.: Toluca. 3. Gulf of, Mexican, Golfo de México /gawl … Universalium
Murphy brake — The Murphy brake is a drum brake with shoes that pinch the drum via a rotating fork. In contrast, most drum brakes use either shoes that press only on the inside of the drum, or shoes that press only on the outside of the drum, like a band brake … Wikipedia
Glossary of wildland fire terms — The following is a glossary of wildland fire terms. Except where noted, terms are taken from a 1998 Fireline Handbook transcribed for a Conflict 21 counter terrorism studies website by the Air National Guard. [… … Wikipedia
List of Dirty Jobs episodes — Dirty Jobs is a program on the Discovery Channel, produced by Pilgrim Films Television, in which host Mike Rowe is shown performing difficult, strange, disgusting, or messy occupational duties alongside the typical employees. The show premiered… … Wikipedia